SHIPS IN THE NIGHT : ‘Some Of Those Dream’ – new single by US ethereal electronic artist recently signed to Metropolis Records | from album out in 2025

new single
out 22nd November 2024
(Metropolis Records)
Spotify | Apple Music | Amazon Music | Bandcamp
Ships In The Night is the New York City-based songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer Alethea Leventhal. Her uplifting dark pop sound is drawn from dreams and memories, painting an atmospheric landscape with sweeping waves of synthesisers and kinetic beats to produce electrifying lullabies.
Leventhal’s self-released 2017 debut album, ‘Myriologues’, explored the depths of grief and loss, while its Cleopatra Records issued 2021 follow-up ‘Latent Powers’ uncovered the cathartic strength that can be found within darkness.
Recently signed to Metropolis Records, ‘Some Of Those Dreams’ is the first single from Leventhal’s upcoming third album, ‘Protection Spells’. “The song is about the beauty that can exist in letting go and the sense of freedom that can come with it,” she reveals. “It touches on the pain that can come with change and the memories that will always remain.” With layers of harmonies, swelling synths and ever-shifting beats, the song builds and changes throughout, echoing its central message.