Nick Hudson – Sky Burial While Alive

Nick Hudson’s “Sky Burial While Alive” is a melancholic and stimulating song that combines musical and lyrical talent to make a statement about the nature of power and its final collapse. The song opens with a cinematic overture that features Alfreda Benge, the wife and colleague of renowned British composer Robert Wyatt, speaking a prologue about dictators. The track’s gloomy, almost dystopian mood is instantly introduced to the listener with this spoken word section, which provides a spooky tone. Nick Hudson draws imagery from a scene in his novel “Inheritance,” where an oligarch, facing the erosion of his power, retreats to a Swiss bank vault only to be subjected to a sky burial by seven griffon vultures. This vivid metaphor highlights the fragile ego and desperation of those who relentlessly pursue and hoard power, a theme that resonates strongly in today’s geopolitical climate, particularly in regions like Georgia under Russian influence. The song’s industrial, almost unsettling atmosphere enters after the prologue, increasing the suspense. The song’s main section starts at 1:32, when Hudson assumes the role of a contemporary narrator. His singing technique and the way he explores deep lyrical subjects are reminiscent of David Bowie. The song’s strange yet seductive atmosphere is further enhanced by the dramatic soundtrack, which combines raw guitars and synthesizers. At 3:05 in the song, it changes into a slower, nearly acapella section. The experimental music, which is dramatic and minimal, contrasts sharply with Hudson’s voice, giving the impression of a soundtrack from a movie. This part of the story emphasizes the story’s awareness and reflection, offering a moving contrast to the previous energy. It is a daring and unconventional song that asks the listener to consider the nature of power, the anxiety associated with losing it, and the unavoidable results of pursuing it unrestrained.
Photo Credit: Nick Hudson photo by Carl Solomon