In 2023, only 0,05% of all undiscovered artists broke into the Mid-Level

Here are some recent data about the current status of the Music Industry & Music Business according to Chartmetric, a platform analyzing music streaming, social, and audience data:
– In 2023, only 0,05% of all undiscovered artists broke into the Mid-Level, Mainstream and Superstar Career Stages. The majority, or 87.6%, remained in the category, while, 12.3% transitioned to Developing
– This year’s top 100 artists (as measured by their peak 2023 Chartmetric artist score) came from all over the globe! 17 countries were represented among these artists, with 68% of artists hailing from the Anglosphere (U.S., U.K., Canada, and Australia). Despite their small size, South Korea and Puerto Rico took the 3rd and 4th spots respectively. Collectively, they are home to 13% of the top 100 artists — a remarkable feat given that the two countries account for less than 0.7% of the global population!
– More women follow artists on TikTok and Instagram than men, who make up a larger share of YouTube’s audience. TikTok has the youngest user base, with over 71% of followers being under the age of 24. The biggest age group for TikTok and YouTube is people between 18 and 24 years old, while the largest group on Instagram is between 25 and 34 years old.
Read the whole report here: