September 22, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Devon More – My Body Is.

“My Body Is.” by Devon More is a fusion of alternative rock sensibilities and interesting lyricism that resonates deeply with listeners. Drawing inspiration from the punk rock ethos of riot grrrl politics and a diverse musical background that includes classical flute training and a stint in Berlin’s vibrant punk scene, More delivers a track that is both musically engaging and thematically profound. From the outset, “My Body Is.” channels the spirit of 1990s alternative rock, evoking the sounds of iconic artists like Garbage, Lush, and Alanis Morissette. With its guitar-driven melodies and pop-infused orchestration, the track exudes a palpable sense of rock attitude while maintaining a catchy, radio-friendly appeal. However, it’s More’s thoughtful lyricism that truly sets “My Body Is.” apart. The lyrics delve into the complex relationship between the self and the body, exploring themes of empowerment, self-acceptance, and the inherent value of human existence. Lines like “my body is a temple/my body is a slave/my body is a prison and my body is a wave” offer a reflection on the multifaceted nature of the human experience, challenging societal norms and reclaiming agency over one’s own body. Despite its serious subject matter, “My Body Is.” remains eminently listenable, with More’s melodic vocals and groovy guitar parts infusing the track with a sense of energy and vitality. The addition of flute sounds near the end of the song adds a folk flavor and further enhances the track’s danceable atmosphere, showcasing More’s versatility as a musician.