September 20, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Notre-Dame Of Tokyo – Hexagon

“Hexagon” by Notre-Dame Of Tokyo is a powerful and enigmatic track that carries the unmistakable influence of System of a Down. With its heavy, grinding guitars, compelling lyrical content, and an overall dark and intense atmosphere, “Hexagon” is a musical journey that leaves a lasting impact. The lyrics of “Hexagon” are cryptic and thought-provoking, filled with abstract imagery and evocative phrases that invite interpretation. Lines like “Don’t leave me alone, show me how you bend” and “One hexagon, blue lips my command” create a sense of unease and intrigue, drawing the listener into the song’s enigmatic world. The repetition of the phrase “Entertain me” adds an element of urgency and longing, suggesting a desire for connection and stimulation. Musically, the track is a powerhouse. The heavy guitar riffs and pounding drums drive the song forward with an intensity that is characteristic of System of a Down’s style. The vocal delivery is dynamic, with shifts between aggressive, melodic, and haunting tones that keep the listener engaged throughout the song. The instrumental sections, filled with dissonant guitar work and powerful rhythms, create a sense of tension and release that adds to the song’s emotional impact. “Hexagon” is a track that demands repeated listens to fully grasp its depth and complexity. It’s a song that doesn’t provide easy answers but invites exploration and interpretation. The fusion of heavy rock elements with lyrical mystique makes it a standout piece in the genre, reminiscent of the experimental and boundary-pushing spirit of System of a Down.