Lordi – The Eurovision Monsters Are Back!

- The title of your new album refers to the “Screen Writers Guild,” an association of screenwriters in Hollywood in the 1920s–1950s. Have you ever thought of creating a script for a TV or cinema project?
Hella: I’m sure Mr. Lordi has had these kinds of thoughts! If there’s a good timing in his life where that kind of project would fit, I’m sure he will do it. - Where do you find yourself, musically speaking, on the new album?
Hella: I think this is closer to the “good old Lordi” again, with some fresh new sounds.
Mana: After the mayhem of “Lordiversity” this one is pretty much back to the more straight forward style of Lordi. Banger riffs with good catchy choruses. - How did you deal with the production of the new album, “Screem Writers Guild”?
Mana: After Lordiversity Mr. Lordi kinda got stuck in the 80’s mode in songwriting so that was a natural direction for the next album as well. We liked the “Humanimals” album on “Lordiversity” so much that we decided to hire the same mixing engineer Ilu Herkman, who really mastered the late 80’s sound we were after. On “Screem Writers Guild” we just tweeked it a little bit towards the modern day soundscape.
Drum recordings were made by myself, bass and guitar recordings were partially made at Mr. Lordi’s house by Mr. L himself and the vocals were tracked at Here studios in Helsinki with Toivo Hellberg and Tracy Lipp. - How do you come up with such cool song titles for your new album, like “Lycantropical Island” and “In The Castle Of Dracoolove?
Hella: Mr. Lordi is a verbal genious.
Mana: Like I said, word games is a thing in this band. Like it or not. Hah! - What is the concept behind the “personal” track “End Credits”?
Hella: It’s a story straight from Mr. Lordi’s personal life. Some of it will open up a bit more if reading the book “Lordiary”. - To the best of my knowledge, the band faced some personal issues after the big success of Eurovision; would you like to discuss them further?
Hella: Unfortunately since I only joined the band later in time, can’t really answer this question.
Mana: Same here, but I don’t think there were any personal issues. More just like a hell of a hangover after a loooong party. - What is the current status of shock rock, do you keep up to date with other bands in this scene?
Hella: I am not sure if I would categorize Lordi as shock rock? What do you think Mana?Mana: If this isn’t shock rock I don’t know what is? Haha! Alice Cooper, who is one of the main influence of this band, is still touring and doing great. Slipknot and Ghost are also huge bands and getting bigger all the time. I thinks there’s a solid demand for these kind of theatrical horror themed acts. - Do you have any plans for touring regarding your new album?
Hella: We will be touring as the support of Sabaton from 14th of April Until 20th of May, after that some festival shows and at some point our own club tour will follow! - What are the next plans for the band?
Hella: No one knows..maybe?
Mana: After we’re done touring the “Screem Writers Guild” there will definitely be a new album as usual. Just keep pushing. Bigger, better, louder etc.
Interview’s Photo Credit: Eero Kokko

Band’s official website: https://www.lordi.fi/