March 28, 2025

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Muules – Against Your Own Kind (Track Review)

The track begins with Melodic Rock vocals and distorted electric guitars in the background (although a little bit compressed to avoid becoming a Metal song), delivering a mix of Alternative and Indie Rock. The vocal lines in the chorus section create an interesting echoed part that reminds me a lot of The Foo Fighters’ orchestration and Dave Grohl’s melodies. The guitar section follows a complex structure with rough riffs and musical dynamics that drive you from mid-tempo, groovy parts to fast-driven electrical outbreaks. The audio production sounds OK to me in general, although there are some sections where the vocals are overproduced and overshadow the presence of the musical instruments. Of course, this is a personal opinion, and it is more of a matter of taste than a technical error. In general, the track sounds cool for a live performance, and I am looking forward to hearing the band on stage as well!