Seelonce – At My Place (Track review)

“At My Place” is a track from the Montréal artist Seelonce that begins with a romantic slow tempo, consisting of a 1980s saxophone melody (p.s. I am a big fan of saxophone) and a typical classic rock guitar melody that reminds me a little bit of the Paul McCartney sound. The singer delivers a 1990s Brit-Pop-like vocal line, which is transformed through a strange robotic effect that confuses me a lot because it affects aesthetically the initial romantic impression of the saxophone. The whole idea behind the orchestration and the structure of the song is not bad; the robotic/futuristic vocal part is the one that should be worked out before finding its real place in the song. Personally, I would use the vocal effect in specific parts of the song to create an artistic antithesis between the romantic saxophone and the futuristic vocal lines.
Release Date :Nov 18, 2022