One of the Most Sought-After Krautrock Albums, Twogether’s ‘A Couple of Times,’ Has Been Re-Released on CD and Digital Platforms – OUT NOW!

Twogether were a German drums and keyboards rock duo from Düsseldorf, formed in 1973 out of musicians previously in The Crew and Blue Squad. They never did many gigs and only existed for a short while after completing their sole self-produced album.
A Couple of Times is a much sought-after rarity among collectors and was released in 1973 and has been unavailable on CD for over a decade.
This 2022 remaster features new liner notes by surviving member Reinhard Fischer and has also been approved by the Klaus Bangert Estate. Two bonus tracks from a non-album single (their only other release) have also been included.
Surviving Twogether member Reinhard Fischer said “We didn’t play together long enough for something to develop from it but from the mixture of our individual ideas about music this album came into being, a bit of everything and many opposites.”
Available now:
Amazon CD:
Apple Music:
The album is also available to order here: