March 17, 2025

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Munly & The Lupercalians – The storyteller of the Kinnery Of Lupercalia

1. Dear Munly, you come from the DIY Punk scene, what was the spiritual path that inspired you to create a diverse band such as Munly & The Lupercalians?

Do I come from the DIY Punk Scene? If there is a scene then can it truly be punk? I agree about DIY, yet I have come to learn that all of life is DIY. No one cares as much as yourself about what you do. Their effort will never be equal to what you believe you could yourself. And another’s effort usually—and justifiably—requires compensation. Altruism is a myth, an untenable ideology that exists on the shelf next to debunked folkloric myths of NorthEastern Clatsop county. I have yet to have a spiritual journey—and no particular yearning for such. I am too busy working. I suppose that is the path I might be on. I put my head down and work. I do not contemplate the process, I am disciplined to work and not examine my every footstep.

2. Your latest album is called “Kinnery Of Lupercalia; Undelivered Legion.” What is the concept behind the cover artwork that visualizes a half-human, half-animal entity? If I divulge the concept does that not ruin the individual’s experience?

I prefer that both people who might contemplate the reasoning, apply it to their version of the stories. If I give restrictions then it limits a readers ability to fit into the stories as they see fit.

3. Do you also feel like having two different personas inside you?

 No. Not to make light of anyone with a legitimate condition, but, ‘Crazy’ is such an accessible crutch for artists. However, parsing an individual’s personality down to one trope is crazy in itself. We are all gray, and if we were not then we would all be characters in GoodReads novels—one dimensional. I try to be a better person than I was yesterday. Yes, I have an extremely low bar to achieve tomorrow, so perhaps I started with an unfair advantage. All are as gray as myself. Lupercalia is gray. There is always someone in the room who is smarter than yourself, stronger, thinner, perfection is as tenuous as altruism. If the personality that is perceived by people that meet me for a half of an hour comes off as unhinged, well…they have achieved perfection and certainly are in the right to judge others.

4. Is “Kinnery Of Lupercalia; Undelivered Legion” an untold story? Please let us know about the full concept behind this album.

 The full concept? Can I get paid by the word? I do ask a bit more of both of our audience members than I have any right to. I ask them to be patient, savor what you have. It is coming. Until then, yes, the books give a bit more information than the songs are able to, but you cannot hum along to the books. Well, I suppose you could, though if you did then people might begin to think you are a ‘Crazy’ artist, they might say, Oh, he is so eccentric. I fight myself every day to not stand out, I like a good fight, but, sometimes no matter what you do you are doomed. Wait, suddenly this sounds like a self pity party. I have had an overly easy life, and realize that daily. I mean the hotel I am sitting in and writing this would be better if it had that fifth star, they could have more variety in the tea tray, someone could come and fluff the pillow I am lounging against…but, I will not complain. We want to provide people with an escape from the growing terrors of this ‘Real’ world. To give them a respite and a recharge before they rejoin the fight that is currently decimating the Real.

Latest album

5. According to your sayings, this album is the first part of a trilogy. How do you plan to establish the lyrical and musical connections between the three albums?

There are three major legions within Lupercalia. The Lupercalians performed the stories of Thee Undelivered Legion. Slim Cessna’s Auto Club will perform the Buell Legion’s stories; they are a bit of a louder clan and force you to pay attention to them. And DBUK will perform the stories of Thee Toombs Legion, you have to be quiet if you have any interest in hearing those stories. All three bands are made up of our record and publishing company SCACUNINCORPORATED. So far, there are two books published pertaining exclusively to Lupercalia. A new novel—Petr & The Wulf—will be completed eventually, if these, ‘Oh so arduous interviews ever cease’. It is hard to be wanted.

6. What was the contribution of the other musicians on your latest album?

There are two computers and two drummers, and for some reason they tolerate me to sit with them and play my autoharp and banjo while whinging through these stories. Every one works quite hard, they put my work ethics to shame. Daily, I am amazed at their patience with me and my inadequacies. Now I am looking forward to telling them of my multiple personalities, they thought they had enough to deal with when there was only one of me. Sometimes I believe they are here to point out my failings…their job is unceasing.

7. Do you plan to visualize the fictional characters in your album through a video or even a series of paintings?

Gebchka has done illustrations for the books, from my initial maps to my poor descriptions of Thee Shadders. Dwight’s wife—Heather—has also contributed visuals. Videos? That is not particularly my world. I have a difficult time sitting through films, I would rather be working. I am a big enough Jackass by asking people to pay and watch me fumble about on stage, I would think asking them to watch me on film would be a bit too much of an ask. It is amazingly odd that musician/actors/sportsstars are anointed with this undeserved elevated status. We should all be in masks. Musicians could sing and have people dwell on their words and not their lack of clothing. Traditionally unbecoming but wonderful actors could anonymously recite the words written by other, better people. And sportstars…well, they would still figure out how to be cunts.

We are Forever Grateful Nikolai_Puc

8. You are the storyteller in your new album, however would you ever consider inviting other singers to sing for each different character participating in your story?

This was my original idea, however there are only three other musicians who still speak with me. So…it made for a bit of a short album. Perhaps three songs would have been more appropriate than three full length albums. But, I repeatedly demonstrate my ignorance I went pushed ahead for the albums. And since you informed me that I have a multiple personality disorder is it not appropriate that the albums are done in this manner? Slim, will be performing most of the characters on the SCAC album, he has a wonderful voice and is most likely kinder in his interviews…so there is that to look forward to. You are welcome.

9. What types of instruments did you use for the recording of the new album, and were there any challenges during the recordings?

 There are two Lupercalian drummers and two Lupercalians who play computers, and everyone sings. So, for people who only want to listen to interesting sounds and melodies we hope there is that first layer of music to enjoy. I certainly understand that not every one can give the same attention to listening that I would prefer to demand for entry through the doorway. If a person simply wants to tap their foot then I hope we can provide that level of entertainment. If you want to put in a bit more effort, do the homework assignments, then I hope the quality is there as well to provide a further level of entertainment. As far as challenges…I dont know if I truly believe in those. There are obstacles every day and you figure out the best solution and make it work. Challenges are reserved for people with real problems in their lives. Someone who has to deal with daily systemic discriminations cannot be compared to the faulty hem in my Brooks Brothers jacket.

photo courtesy of Gary Isaacs2

10. How do you plan to visualize on stage the concept of your album during the tour?

Really? This seems a trap question placed by our manager. I am on to you Todd, I woke early and excercised, I have written for the day and am well prepared for your trickery. You are trying to see if I will give away the show so no one has to pay, they could simply read about it and stay home to watch reruns of Melrose Place. Perhaps you are testing me to see if I once again had someone sit in, pretending to be me and answer these queries. Yes, I see through your nefarious ways Mr. Cote, not today my friend, not today… So, my final answer is, Come and see for yourself.

The band is playing in Athens, Greece soon, more information here (in Greek):

More information about the LP “Kinnery Of Lupercalia; Undelivered Legion“-