Jarboe – The Sacrificial Cake Discussions

1. What are your memories of the process of composing Sacrificial Cake?
This period of time was well into my exploration of Tibetan Buddhism. Sacrificial Cake as a title was inspired by : “ gtor-ma, sacrificial cakes used in Tibetan Buddhist ceremonies as offerings to deities. The unbaked cakes are prepared by kneading parched barley flour and butter into the shapes of cones, decorated with pats of butter. The cakes form part of the phyi-mchod, or eight offerings of external worship, as well as part of the offerings of the five senses, which are considered internal worship. For presentation to the wrathful Tantric deities (dharmapālas), the gtor-ma are realistically coloured and modelled to resemble parts of the human body.” – https://www.britannica.com/topic/gtor-ma
2. Why did you decide to record the album during your time with Swans?
I’m a songwriter. I recorded several albums during my time in Swans.
3. Who are the other collaborators on this album besides yourself?
Michael Gira, Lary Sevens, Michael Evans

4. What type of musical gear did you use for the album, and who took care of the mastering ?
Jarboe: Keyboards, Tapes, Atmospheric sound recordings, Bass guitar Mastering was by Chris Griffin Mastering. Remastering was George Emmanuel.
5. There is a dark and mystic atmosphere surrounding the whole album. What was the main inspiration for this album?
There is also a commentary utilizing my sense of humor in songs such as Deflowered.
6. Why did you decide to include in the album the track “My Buried Child” as a live recording?
A cake needs spice.
7. Is there any specific concept behind the lyrics of the album?
Yes, Ode to V utilizes popular and archaic language describing the vagina and orgasm. YumYab reverses traditional yab yum of male dominant deities with the female consort to Mother Father, female dominant. Also a reference to a song I performed in Swans. The Body Lover is a tale referencing the London days of Charles Dickens. It describes a man who dug up graves for money. Deflowered describes the music business and the sexual favors expected from those in power. Troll is inspired by LSD trips as a teenager and references Pan. Every song tells a story.
8. How did you decide to re-issue the album Sacrificial Cake?
The album has been available digitally. To do a vinyl edition happened because some friends of mine who used to have a band called Faith and the Muse worked with The Circle Music in Greece to reissue their past recordings on vinyl. The label also approached me and I worked with them for a special vinyl reissue of Sacrificial Cake.
9. Do you have any plans to re-issue other older material of yours?
I have the rights for my entire catalog and must of it is available as download and streaming. As for record editions, I’d like to do a vinyl of Anhedoniac.
10. What about your next musical plans?
I’ve recently worked on two short film soundtracks, a remix for a band in Vienna, 23 songs for a project with Brian Castillo who worked on Disburden Disciple and am currently in rehearsals for a month long tour beginning in November in England and then continuing throughout Europe. In 2023, I will complete the next solo album.

Photo credits: J. Williams, Jarboe/personal archive