March 18, 2025

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

ALAN DAVEY – The Hawkestrel Experience And Beyond!

  1. How and why did you choose bass as your main instrument?

    I didn’t choose it as my main instrument, Lemmy did unknowingly. After hearing Lemmy’s bass solo on the studio version of ‘Time we left this World Today’ and having no interest in playing any instrument, what Lemmy played and the sound he used awoke a huge desire to learn that instrument and make that sound. I played the song to a guy in a guitar store and asked what instrument it was and he said a Bass guitar so I bought one right there and then and started strumming on it like a guitar, doing it all wrong but so right.!
  2. How did you join Hawkwind back in the 80s?

    I was in touch with Brian Tawn who did the Hawkfan newsletter and sent him a cassette tape of my bands new demos that band being Gunslinger. He then copied it and sent it to Dave Brock saying you should listen to this guys bass playing, so naturally like Lemmy. A couple of months later I was invited to play at Stonehenge with Hawkwind and I was welcomed by the fans as I brought that old Hawkwind powerhouse sound back that the fans really liked and obviously missed. After Stonehenge I was quickly recruited in the band.
  3. Did you contribute to the band as a songwriter and which is your favorite album from the band?

    I wrote and co wrote 55 songs whilst with Hawkwind, more than any other member has.! I’m a song writing machine hence my 28 solo and band albums I have. Favorite album……I have to choose 2 if that’s ok.? Space Ritual cause Lemmy’s bass playing kicks ass. Secondly The Church of Hawkwind cause Huw Lloyd-Langton’s guitar is fantastic on it, and the synth work by Harvey Bainbridge is equally fantastic and very innovative making it a classic unique album.
  4. Why did you choose to leave the band in 1996?

    For me at that point it was all going downhill with no dynamics, it became more about pushing a start button and playing along to programmed synths and the click track in headphones Chadwick was made to use was all wrong for jamming. Brock made him use it because he said Richard can’t keep a constant tempo going, he tends to slow down. So that took all the natural ups and downs out of the music. Dave seemed to be going though the motions and pushing buttons too instead of playing proper rock so I got bored, left and started Bedouin which was really successful.!
  5. Are you still in touch with the current line-up of Hawkwind?

    No, none of the new line up but I’m still in touch with all the ex members like Simon House, Paul Rudolph, Nik Turner, Terry Ollis, Mick Slattery, Dan Thompson, Harvey Bainbridge and more, they’re all very nice chaps!
  6. What did it happen during the Greek tour and you decided to form the hard rock band Bedouin?

    Dave recruited some guy called Jerry into the band, an awful un original guitarist. He had such a small, thin sound and played alot of bum notes too, it was embarrassing.! He kept playing major scales when we were jamming in minor.! So between his playing and what I stated in question 4 gave birth to the mighty Bedouin.
  7. As a solo artist you have recorded many albums, which is the most underrated solo album of yours and why?

    Hmmmmmmm…………I’d say the most underrated album is the new Bedouin album ‘Time is Made of Gold’. Lack of publicity for this album was very disappointing as it’s one of my best for production. Michelle Jimenez-Alder sings on this album and she is an incredible singer, if handled better this album should’ve been a big success as it’s good on the ear for all music genres.
  8. Do you consider Hawkestrel as a continuation of Hawkwind’s spirit from your own perspective?

    Yeah………..Hawkestrel is way more like the true Hawkwind spirit, more progressive and experimental yet a unique entity of its own and with all the ex Hawkwind members contributing says a lot about Hawkestrel. I’ve had so many fans who love the Hawkestrel songs messaging me saying ‘why can’t Hawkwind sound like this.?’ It’s simple, it’s the difference between playing an instrument and pushing buttons. Also It’s so Easy for me to make Hawk music as I’m a natural Hawk guy.
  9. Pioneers of Space album by the Hawkestrel includes some great Space Rock material, are you satisfied from this album and which is the most important song according to your own view?

    Thanks for saying it and yes it is a great space rock album and every song is as equally important as the others for me. Cosmic Divide with Larry Wallis’s vocals was a very emotional piece for me as Larry passed away whilst I was working on it and as a rock song but ended up more mellow and emotional. Day of the Quake was a joy to work on with Bob Calvert’s vocals, very inspiring and to get Mick Taylor’s guitar on it too was very special………. The title track with David Cross on strings was also very inspiring and to get Carmine Appice on drums was the icing on that cake, man……that guy is one classy drummer.!
  10. SpaceXmas by the Hawkestrel includes covers of traditional Christmas songs, how did you experiment with the new versions and orchestrations?

    I didn’t really experiment to be honest, I’d listen to the song and would instantly hear in my head how I should do it, so tune the guitar or bass, press the record button and off we go. It was a fun yet challenging album to do as I wanted my versions to be unique from others which I did achieve. There are also 4-5 original pieces in the Xmas style. It also has some great guests like Glenn Hughes, Rick Wakeman, Nik Turner, Huw Lloyd-Langton and Robbie Krieger.
  11. When are we going to expect new recorded material from your side?

    I’m currently working on 4 new albums (Hawkestrel and Gunslinger and a new solo) and have 4-5 more albums of songs waiting to go. Like I said I’m a song writing machine!
  12. Is it true that and you are also writing music for movies and TV shows, would you like to talk us about this activity as well?

    Yes I was re mixing and re recording my own songs to make them suitable for movies and TV but covid put a stop to that as a lot of studios stopped working. I’m sure it’ll start up again soon……..On the first Hawkestrel album is a song with Lemmy’s vocals, an unheard recording that I put music to and it was used as the title track for a movie Lemmy was in…….