March 17, 2025

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

PETER GOALBY – An Uriah Heep and Trapeze Legend!

1. How did you join the Trapeze and there was no continuation with the band?

When Glenn Hughes left the band to join Deep Purple Mel Galley took over as singer, but he was losing his voice quite often . I knew the band. They were from the same town as me. I was asked to audition. It went very well we rehearsed for a few days. It sounded fantastic , so much energy from the band.

2. Did you contribute to the songwriting process of the band and is there any unreleased material from that era?

Yes I wrote three songs for Trapeze. Livin On Love. When You Get To Heaven, and Dont Ask me How I know. All three were featured on the album Hold On . We also did a live album recorded in the US at a live gig in Texas. That was great I loved it. Trapeze was a  big name in Texas very big . Like ZZ Top .

3. How did you join Uriah Heep?

I was just about to start a U.S tour with Trapeze when I got a call from Mick Box. He said would I like to join Heep. I said I have to complete a  six week tour with Trapeze but when I get back if you have not found the right voice I will rehearse with  Mick and the  boys . I came home after the tour and and got a call from Ashley Howe ( the great producer of Abominog ). He said do you want this  job or not ? They had auditioned 84 singers and still wanted my voice. WOW.

We rehearsed for a week. It was fantastic. Mick, John,Bob, Lee and  me . It was very special.

We made Abominog with Ashley. I was so proud, it was a very big Album worldwide. We were on MTV 8 times a  day for  4 months with The Way That It Is  which was a great song. The Album was in the charts all over the world.Great times.

4. What do you remember from your time in Uriah Heep?

We  were very close and great friends. There were never any arguments. It was a real tight relationship with all of us . We toured the whole world many times, played some massive gigs but it all became too much touring for me.

5. Which Uriah Heep album from that period is your favorite and why?

We did Abominog, Head First and Equator. I really loved all of them. But I was very unhappy with the production sound of Equator.

6. Do you remember composing the Uriah Heep song “Blood Red Roses”?

After I left the band I decided to just write songs . Mick called me when they were doing Raging Silence. He asked me if I had a song that would be good for them . So I wrote Blood Red Roses especially for them. It sounded fantastic. They did a great job on that record.

I remember my brother calling me and saying Peter you should not have left Heep they have a new single called Blood Red Roses it is gonna be a big success. I told him its O.K I know  I wrote it for them. LOL

7. Why did you leave the Uriah Heep?

I left because I did not want to keep touring it was too much too many dates. I was never at home and when I was at home I was locked in my music room writing the next songs

As I said before, Equator caused me a lot of pain and disappointment. I really wanted to have a different life. We were in Australia when I decided I was going to quit. I told the guys but they would not believe me, they thought I would be O.K when got home. We had a meeting in London and I said I could not give any more I had given my best and I was tired of it all.

8. Is your solo album “Easy With The Heartaches” a collection of old songs? Please give us the details.

Easy With The Heartaches is a collection of my songs which were written and recorded after I left Uriah Heep. My writing was getting stronger and stronger now I had more time to concentrate on being a  writer of songs. I have said this many times but something happened

It became easier. I would write a song and say to myself WOW that is really strong. It was a great feeling.

9. Do you remember the era that you recorded these tracks?

Songs were written over a 4 year period I think 86 to 1990.

10. Are there any tracks inside the album that you had prepared for an Uriah Heep release?

No, but have asked Mick to record They’ll never Find Us. That would be a great song for Heep today.

11. How was your collaboration with Robin George for some of the album’s tracks?

Robin and I worked very well together. There are three co writes on this album. He is very talented and a great guitar player. We recorded the songs at his  house studio. I did the lead vocals in his kitchen. Great memories.

12. Are you still active by composing new music?

I closed the door on music in 1992 I walked away from it all. I have not written a song or picked up a guitar , or sang a song since then. I have been very happy living a very normal life . In fact I am now retired at 71 years old , I am loving the attention that comes with my album Easy With The Heartaches.

13. Any chance for live shows?

No live shows. Sorry. I would like to just leave things as they are.

I can tell you some news, I have been asked for another album , So I will be releasing some more of my material from the same period later this year.

I would like to thank everyone for staying with me after all this time please stay safe xx.

Information about the album: Peter Goalby: Easy With The Heartaches – Cherry Red Records
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