December 20, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Lion-earth presents a pandemic-inspired alternative rock experience

Lion-earth composer/lyricist Richard Evetts was born into a music family and it was the early 1990’s as a young teenager, when he first picked up an acoustic guitar and started learning to play Nirvana and Metallica tunes, singing along to them; developing a sense of harmony and a distinct playing style. Over time this style developed into a melodic and ferocious attack with a pop sensibility. 

Evetts played in several cover bands over the course of his career and developed his live performance and ensemble skills. In one of these bands he met the talented Musician/Producer Brett Collidge and began a musical association which took a significant creative turn in the 2020 pandemic. Evetts was profoundly influenced through his work as a Covid-19 nurse, channelling an intense creativity which led to Lion-earth’s late 2020 release ‘Pandemia’ and continued through 2021 with Lion-earth’s follow-up release ‘Eye of Diaz.’ Lion-earth’s sound is imbued with the beauty and aesthetic of Tasmania’s landscape and a darkness and ferocity of the Pandemic world. Lion-earth provides a musical experience you can really sink your teeth into. Intricate and often long-winded arrangements with deep lyrical content, a largely ‘genre-defying’ experience; often cinematic – Pandemic inspired Alternative Rock.  
