Intoxicated Rock n Roll coming from the Swedish hardrock band Zitter!

Intoxicated World is the Swedish hardrock band Zitter’s third release in 51 weeks. This time, the compass needle points in a heavier direction. Still, when it comes to the vocal lines and the riffs, the melodies are intact.
With the nine tracks on Intoxicated World, Fred Z (vocals & bass), B Gustaf (guitars) and MacCalico Adee (software drums), prove that there still is a lot left in their crea[1]tive cornucopia. With the tracks Lonely, If God Doesn’t Let You In, Zisters & Brotherz and Pan For Gold, the band shows how they have refined their self-proclaimed sound, vultureistic beak n’ roll machine music. There, heavy bass lines meet high-powered guitar riffs and captivating synth melodies, all backed up by rhythm patterns that might be a threat to every bone in a dancing body. Zitter have sharpened their metallic beaks in the title track Intoxicated World, and have put on their most exuberant rock[1]plumage in This is the Way.
The lyrics deal with the big existential questions, told as stories about interhuman relations or as standpoints in burning world issues. A more absurd turn is taken in Lines. The lyrics in the softer Save Me, is told through the eyes of a member of a well[1]known, perhaps world famous, now dissolved Swedish sect from Knutby.
Intoxicated World is a digital-only release on the bands’ own label, Vulture Nest Productions, distributed by Kobolt (AWAL Digital Limited).
Zitter’s music is represented on collection discs released by the American record label 3000Records and on the DVD Cowabunga Extravagance (Seven Films). Several tracks from droppeD (2019), We are the Vultures (2020) och Tick Tock (2020) have been played on Swedish and international internet radio stations. The bands most viewed video on YouTube is for the track Sunny Day Holiday, made by the Swed[1]ish filmmakers Rotten Soulz.