September 27, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

CHAOS OVER COSMOS – The Silver Lining Between the Stars (Independent Release)

Have you ever thought of displaying the “chaos over cosmos” in an audio Sci-Fi book? The dystopic audio/visual soundtrack would sound and look exactly just like the new album of the band CHAOS OVER COSMOS! I am discussing both sensations in this review, because you can see “images” through the music of the band! 6 audio tracks in the new album unleash 6 different visual puzzles of anger through a Sci-Fi kaleidoscope that is supported by the album artwork based on the Lagoon Nebula photo. The Technical/Progressive Death Metal will remind you of bands such as Children Of Bodom and Death. If Chuck Schuldiner was alive, then would place the last piece of the puzzle to complete the chaos…
