SNOWY SHAW – The Storyteller Of Heavy Metal!

1. How did you decide to write the book called “The book of Heavy Metal”?
I’m aware that title could be seen as a bit bold, ostentatious and misleading, as some kind of historical compilation on the phenomenon called Heavy Metal. Needless to say, hadn’t I written a song and an album called The book of Heavy Metal when I was in Dream Evil, which also is my most popular song to date, I would never have thought of calling it that. Although, having possibly been working with more prominent metal bands and projects than anyone alive, I would somehow been entitled to.
2. Could you give us a brief description of the book?
The story of a manboy who refused to give up his dreams.
Or let me put it like this,.. ‘Buckle up and fasten your seat belts. Here follows A crazy exciting rock n´rollercoaster Hellride of constant ups and downs at Tivoli Shaw… Join the Joyride!’ (well, there’s a helluva lot more than a romanticized pleasure cruise, that’s for sure)
3. How long did it take to write the book and what was the main challenge during the writing process?
There were many challenges involved in writing this book. Everything from finding my tone, form and narrative as a storytellar, to the timeline and how the stories are entwined and overlap since I decided from the beginning not to do it chronologically like,.. ”I was born blah blah blah”. It took a lot of trial and error, not to mention time, as I have never written a book before and I can’t lie and pretend I have read an awful lot of books either. I went through a phase in the beginning, slightly delusional where I thought I had to be more eloquent and academic. Only to reach the conclusion that that just wasn’t the real me or my way of writing. I may have come a long way in life through hard work, streetsmart and buckets of willpower, but I’m an uneducated working class kid from the suburbs in Sweden. Every bit a self-made man, and like with everything I do I have to do it my way.

4. You have also involved with the design and the illustration of the book. Was it a personal decision to do it and which was the concept (colours, schemes, etc.) for it?
Not involved, fully in charge. It’s the same when I create my albums, liveshows, videos and so on. I’m not exactly what you would call easily satisfied I’m afraid and I find it extremely difficult to deviate and let go of my original idea whenever I’ve tried to hire someone to do things for me. I guess I’ve always had a very clear and distinct vision in my head, and in my experience it’s sometimes harder to verbally explain to someone in detail what you want than to actually go ahead and do it yourself. Whether we’re talking designing album covers, making stage props and decor, photography or creating & producing music etc.
That being said, I never claimed to be the most skilled carpenter, illustrator, designer or singer for that matter, but I know what I want and I won’t stop until I’m fully satisfied and that’s really all that matters to me. Then if others like it, that’s a bonus and I immensaly grateful and happy.

5. Are there any written parts that you did decide to use it for a next book?
I’m not planning on making a second autobiography. You only tell your lifestory or memoirs once in a life I think, and I just turned 52 so,… But I do have a few really cool ideas and concepts that I’d like to toss around and maybe develop into something down the road when time allows. More fiction or reflections on the full blooded idiocrisy of our present time. But yes, there are some take outs that I for one or the other reason decided to leave out from the book. Mostly out of consideration where I didn’t want to humiliate people anymore than I already had, but also because I tried avoid being assissinated for revealling too much light sensitive details (my life insurance). Perhaps some parts of it will pop up as bonus material for the audio book, or second print. Who knows? We’ll see.
6. Did you discuss with other publishers before deciding to release your book?
I touched on the subject and checked out a few options halfheartedly a couple of years back with only lukewarm interest from them. Not so that we got to any serious negotiations or anywhere near that area. I figured the book industry must most likely be fairly similar to that of the record industry. I have lots of experience from the latter while practically none at all from the book industry, and in recent years I’ve had nothing but bad experiences from the record industry. Which is also why I opted to run my own record & production company since a couple of years back. Predominantly because I have obtained a lot of insight and experience over the years and can’t accept to be pushed around or ripped off by people who lack the experience or knowledge that I do. And on top of that refuse to think outside the box and won’t neither adapt or update themselves on how to run the business and stay relevant in this day and age. Followers will follow and old habits die hard. As sad as it is, that’s the record industry for you. At the end of the day, no one’s gonna care as much about my baby/creation as me, who is its father and that’s why I decided to take care of everything myself and self publish. With distribution and marketing only through my own social media channels directly to my wonderful fans and followers, and sales through my own webshop shipping worldwide. To keep todays extreme shipping costs to a minimum I also got great help from my friend Sean Peck to set up a US department for the American market via his company steel cartel. (
7. Did you have any feedback (positive or negative) from other musicians about the content of the book?
Man, I’m just overwhelmed with all the positive feedback and astounding reception so far, and a whole lot of them are well known musicians themselves. It haven’t even been out a month yet and first print is almost sold out already. I don’t know who picked me to spill the beans and reveal the gritty uncensored truth of what goes on behind the scenes but I’m not holding anything back in this book and I’m telling it like it was. So I’m sure there will be some grumpy and upset colleagues and former bandmates. Not that much I can do about that, really. Truth hurts.

However, I must admit that I’m a bit surprised over the lack of interest and indifference from the majority of my former members. But you know what they say, sometimes silence says more than a 1000 words. I suppose some of them are a little nervous or even terrified knowing very well what a straightshooting truth-sayer I am, who rarely hold back my feelings normally, and this book is certainly no different. That being said, this is not any personal vendetta or anything like that, that would have been a pathetic low blow.

As far as I know, thus far I’ve only had one former member (and friend?) unfriend me on Facebook after having read it. On the other hand, last week I received a friend request and great compliments from one former member who’ve read the book and suddenly saw it in a different light. That felt very good, though he had been kinda evasive and strange for years, having misread the whole situation years earlier and had been pissed off for all the wrong reasons. In summation, you win some – you lose some, that’s just the way it is. It’s a public matter and I think the fans deserves to know. Now they can stop their endless requests for a reunion with particular band(s). Like I said, truth hurts and if one isn’t man enough to take a little critic on their erratic behavior while I give them twice as much praise and credit when due, it’s pitiful. You know how it is, if you give a person 9 compliments and 1 piece of criticism they will only remember that negative one. Furthermore, people tend to self-obsess like we all do when looking at a big group photo, you instantly look for yourself before you decide whether it’s a good shot or not. Same thing when you know you’re featured in a book, you’ll immediate search for your own name and read that part first. That’s only natural, but by doing so, it’s taken out of context and you’ll probably miss the bigger picture.
8. You have collaborated with several bands during your career and you write about them in your book. Which was the most exciting experience you ever had with any of these band?
I’d hate to come across as a diplomate,… just kiddin’ hahaha! But truth is, it’s hard to pick just one. They were all great in their own way and I am equally grateful for each and everyone of them. Even the bad and more short-lived ones like Dimmu Borgir that ended in complete pandemonium. It was an eye-opener for sure and in retrospect a real good lesson to learn. There’s good and bad in everything and I have experiences of both kinds all of them. And that’s all I can say. Read All about it – In the Book Of Heavy Metal.

9. Does the evil image of the King Diamond days still hunt you in your daily activities in Sweden?
Hahaha! No, I’m not sure I understand the question. Perhaps it’s just me that is too wrapped up in it to be able to see it, or that I just don’t care what others think. I think it comes down to different cultures and societies, and Sweden has for many decades been both secular and very liberal compared to some other countries, like for instance your country Greece I assume. I remember my dear friend Gus G saying that people gave him the evil eye when he walked around Thessaloniki with one of my Notre Dame shirts that said 666 Satansville. Especially older more religious people, but then again he later joined Ozzy Osbourne – The prince of darkness. That must have been weird.
10. Any plans to unveil for a next book?
I’m not ruling out writing and publishing more books in the future, but like I said earlier, in my mind writing one’s lifestory was a one off thing and it’s not like I’ve changed profession and consider myself an author all of a sudden. I might try something entirely different next time around, like writing the script for a movie. Who knows? Those who live will see.