March 18, 2025

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

OVERLAND – Over The Land And Far Away!

1. You have a new album called “Scandalous”, which is the big scandal that you are talking about?

I have no big Scandal in mind, I like one word titles and “Scandalous” Is a great sounding word.

2. Which was the main inspiration for the new album?

With this album I wanted to use some of my soul and funk influences, the Doobie bros kind of thing, I wanted to make a commercial more diverse record.i think every track has its own identity.

3. Would you like to talk us about the other musicians participating in this album and their role?

I am always fortunate to work with great players on all Of the albums I make. I’ve worked with Tommy on many projects, he is one of the best guitarists and all round great players I know. Having Brian Tichy on drums and Brian Anthony on bass made for a fantastic rhythm section so there are some great grooves on the record.

4. The sound on the album remains melodic rock , have you ever thought of adding new musical elements outside the rock genre?

I think we have included other musical elements on the album. Tracks like “Don’t give up” and “Trouble with love” are soul funk tracks and “Changing times”, is an out and out blues track. You have songs like “Closest thing to heaven” which has a kind of Santana thing about it. I think we’ve touched on a few different styles.

5. According to the Press Release, the new album comes out  on a limited edition Vinyl “Dracula” colour. How about that, any special treatment for the vinyl fans? 

I received my copy of the limited edition vinyl a couple of days ago and it looks amazing in the blood red. Also there are a first run that come with a personally signed post card insert in the sleeve.

6. The music of the new album sounds a bit cinematic on tracks such as “Closest Thing To Heaven”, especially the introductory guitar part. Have you ever thought of composing music for a movie or did you have the chance to do it in the past?

I have composed music for many things throughout my career. I had a track in the soundtrack to the movie “IRON EAGLE” which Is kind of a “TOPGUN” movie, I’ve written soundtracks for cartoon series and musicals. I love doing these things, it’s a different challenge.

7. Which is your favorite track of the new album, in terms of lyrics and why?

Favourite track in lyric terms, would have to be “Changing times” ,I think it is very relevant in what’s happening in the world today.

8 . Any plans for real or virtual concerts towards the promotion of the new album?

I would love to get back out on the road and promote this album but who knows when that can happen. I’d love to do something for the fans, so watch this space.

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