Hard rock band VEGA releases the new single/video “Don’t Fool Yourself”

British rock band VEGA released their third single “Don’t Fool Yourself”.
The single is taken from their upcoming album “Grit Your Teeth”, which will be released by Frontier Records on Friday 12th June 2020.
Says Nick Workman about the music video: “The concept for the “Don’t Fool Yourself” video came partly from the lyric and partly from a VEGA/music business perspective. The lyric was inspired by my daughter, who is facing a world we never did. These days you are expected to be whatever is deemed “cool” or “in fashion” and that can change from week to week. I have had many conversations with her about staying true to herself and making her own “cool”. From the VEGA perspective, we thought it would be funny to make fun of the fact that we are always being tagged in various genres of rock and also the fact that so many bands change what they are about to try and fit in to what is the current “cool”. We had a lot of fun making the video and it is there to entertain!”
Information: https://www.facebook.com/OFFICIALVEGA/