March 28, 2025

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SiXforNinE stay positive with new ‘Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining’ music video

Watch the positively-rocking new video ‘Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining’ via YouTube – new full-length album Parallel Universe is out now– Stream / Purchase here

SiXforNinE are back with a new overwhelmingly positive music video for the song “Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining”. The video was directed by John Nikolopoulos at the Mesologgi Salt Mines in Greece just before the Covid-19 Pandemic began to change life as we knew it. The song is taken from their second full-length album Parallel Universe which was released on August 2, 2019. Watch the video right now at this location.
“When we filmed the video for this song in December of 2019, we had no idea where the state of things in the world would be four months later but we feel it’s a perfect time for this video” states vocalist Fotis Benardo“Right now, the world is full of death, sorrow, and uncertainty about the future. It is easy for people to feel helpless and lose hope, but we need to fight that despair and know we will overcome this. We will survive, and this experience will make us stronger!”
SiXforNinE have revealed two previous music video from the album for the singles “Bullet Off Its Course”, and “Counting Stars”. Watch them both at this location. The album hit the scene in the Fall of 2019 like a firestorm, receiving critical acclaim from the likes of Metal InjectionRock HardMetal Hammer, and even People Greece.
Buy the album on iTunesAmazon MP3, Google Play, or Compact Disc, and stream the singles via SpotifyApple MusicDeezerPandoraiHeartRadio, and more here. For more information on SiXforNinE, please visit them on FacebookTwitter, or Eclipse Records, and follow them on SpotifyApple Music or Deezer.
SiXforNinE discography
Parallel Universe (LP) – 2019
Sixfornine (LP) – 2015
SiXforNinE Lineup
Fotis Benardo (vocals), George Kapa (guitars), Herc Booze (bass), Pete Outfox (drums)