March 18, 2025

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Pavlov’s Dog – Prodigal Dreamer Tour 2019 reaches Greece!

After the widely sold out 2018 tour, Pavlov’s Dog will visit us again in 2019 on their musical journey.

The „Prodigal Dreamer Tour“ is titled after their latest studio album released in December 2018, that enjoys an enthusiastic appreciation by media & fans. „Prodigal Dreamer“ was e.g. awarded „Album of the Month“ and „Best Album of the Year“ (rank 14) by Eclipsed Magazine (Germany). Breakout Magazine dedicated the title story to „Prodigal Dreamer“ and awarded it with the „Hall of Fame“ decoration.

On the upcoming 2019 tour the band around David Surkamp will present a considerably varied program: Songs from „Prodigal Dreamer“ together with a best-of-selection of their iconic 70ies albums „Pampered Menial“ & „At The Sound Of The Bell“ will trace a musical arc over more than four decades. And with Pavlov’s Dog one can be quite sure: There will be some surprises as well!
