July 5, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

STAN BUSH – The Touch Of AOR

4 min read

1. You have been mainly known for your music contribution to several soundtracks. Do
 you think that this fact affected your solo releases?

Many of my soundtrack songs have been in the 80’s style action genre. “The Touch” and “Dare” were among the first. I got a lot of fan mail saying how those songs were a positive influence on their lives. I kept writing stuff like that, also because I love that 80’s anthem style. When you hear them, you remember the chorus.

2. What is your main goal as an artist?

I’ve been very blessed to have a chance to make music for a living. I want to put a positive message out there. I also love singing and writing songs. It’s cool to be able to do something you love.

3. What are your main influences as an artist, except music?

I grew up in Florida had a carefree childhood with a close family, and I learned that if you live right and work hard, things always work out. Just living life and the everyday struggles we all go through, knowing things will turn out in the end. I hear melodies in my head and form words to fit them. I also like happy endings.

4. Do you think that AOR is a label that defines your music style?

Yes, I do think AOR describes my music. I remember how albums back in the day would paint a picture. I loved how listening to the early albums, you could just get lost in another world. One of the things that happened to a lot of music, is the record labels would focus on a three-minute single for radio, and artistic depth would be lost.

5. From a business side, do you prefer writing music for movies or touring with your band?

Performing is one of the best feelings. It feels like flying. The travel part of touring is hard but when you’re on stage it’s all worth it. But I love writing songs. It’s like a puzzle and you’re searching for just right piece to fit with what you already have. I think I like writing more, because when you come up with a great song, you have something that you created and brought into the world. It’s a cool feeling. Even if you don’t make money from it, it’s still something that’s yours.

6. How did you sign with your new label EMP?

Actually I’m not signed with EMP. I’m on L.A. Records, with distribution in North America through Alliance Records, and distribution in Europe on Cargo Records. It’s possible Cargo is working through EMP for certain territories.

7. You have a new album called “Change the World”, would you talk us about this new work?

I’m really excited about the new album. I think the songs are very strong. The title track “Change the World,” one of my best songs, contains a message of hope and unity. “Never Surrender” is from “Kickboxer” starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. “Warrior” is featured in the Shadow Warrior 2 game. “Born to Win” and “Live Your Dream” are songs about winning and believing in yourself. “The Story of Love” is a power-ballad about how confusing love can be. The album also includes the iconic songs, “The Touch” and “Dare” from “Transformers: The Movie.”

8. Is art a medium to “change the world”?

Yes, I think the CD artwork is a important part of the “Change the World” album. The CD artwork is from NelloDell’Omo in Italy. Nello did the artwork for my last four albums. His stuff is very surreal. He’s brilliant!

9. Will you tour for your new album?

I performed a concert at HASCON (Hasbro/Transformers Convention) the weekend of Sept 9 as promotion for the new album. I’ll be doing other shows in the coming months, which will be posted on my website stanbush.com. I’m playing The Whiskey here in L.A. in February.

10. How do you deal with the challenges of the modern music industry?

The music industry has changed dramatically over the past few years. Major label deals are mostly a thing of the past. “Change the World” is released through Cargo Records for the European territory, and in the U.S. it’s through Alliance Records. These days artists like myself are pretty much on their own. With the Internet, there are a lot of ways to promote your own music, but it’s hard to break through to a large audience. I think the one thing is to never give up.


Info: facebook.com/stanbushmusic/