October 5, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Crowdfunding For Ronny Munroe (ex-Metal Church/TSO)

Ronny Munroe (Munroe’s Thunder, ex-Metal Church/TSO) and his fiancée J Von have unfortunately experienced this in January of this year. Their lives have been turned upside down and they need the help from the Metal community and others, as their current situation makes that they have no income !
On January 26th, Ronny called an ambulance because J Von was experiencing terrible pain in her amdomen.  She was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer which might has spread.  While preparing for surgery, J Von contracted pneumonia and had to fight for her life. After the doctors got the pneumonia under control, immediate chemo therapy has started.  J Von is doing three to four months of chemo first to shrink the mass, then the surgery will happen and then  another three to four months of chemo. All in all this is going to take almost a year to get through.  J Von is home now and will do the chemo therapy as an out patient.

They have a long, long road to go. And with Ronny having to take care of his fiancée and J Von not being able to run her business (aside from her work as Ronny’s manager), the financial drama is weighing heavily on their shoulders.

So, it’s time for all of us to step up. J Von should be able to focus on her recovery and the worries for all bills and medical expenses shouldn’t be a burden !

Metal Heads : you have done it before and let’s do it again ! Let’s join forces and help Ronny and J Von Munroe !

We’ve put together lots of great packages in return for your donation.
And also for all non-metal heads : please look through all donation levels, as we have so much more to offer.

We invite you to visit the fundraiser page : https://www.generosity.com/medical-fundraising/join-forces-for-ronny-munroe–2

We know that not all of you are in a financial situation to make a donation, but you can also help by posting the link to this page on your social media ! Let’s spread the word !

On behalf of Ronny and J Von, thank you so much for all support !

* You can follow J’s & Ronny’s fight here : www.facebook.com/ronny.munroe. Ronny is posting very regular updates.


Article & Image Source: https://www.generosity.com/medical-fundraising/join-forces-for-ronny-munroe–2