September 28, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Australian Music Industry Invades South America

Australia’s export music market development initiative SOUNDS AUSTRALIA is collaborating with the Federal Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to lead a delegation of music industry professionals to South America next month. The Australian Music Industry South American Trade Mission will see top operators from multiple sectors of the industry, including managers, labels, publishers, promoters, PR, media and peak trade body representatives, participate in a range of events at music conferences across Chile, Argentina and Brazil. They will join targeted workshops, showcases and networking meetings to gain an overview and introduction to these important new music markets.

The all-star team includes Andrew Stone (Chugg Entertainment), Ashley Gay (Xelon Entertainment), Clara Iaccarino (Perth International Arts Festival), Jaime Gough (Native Tongue Music Publishing), Maggie Collins (BIGSOUND), Matthew Rogers (We Are Unified), Monique Rothstein (Positive Feedback), Scot Morris (APRA AMCOS), Stuart Rogers (Sydney Festival) and Warren Costello (Liberation Music).

To establish and strengthen long-term, two-way business connections in South America, the team has multiple aims that include identifying and securing local partnerships and navigating and negotiating new markets especially with respect to:

Managing tour logistics
Production and presentation values
Promotion and marketing
Media, community and audience engagement

Millie Millgate, Executive Producer SOUNDS AUSTRALIA says: “Building relationships is key to Australia’s success in these emerging markets over the coming years. The trade mission presents a meaningful reconnaissance opportunity that sets a strong foundation for reciprocal business and cultural outcomes.

“It’s another example of how SOUNDS AUSTRALIA creates game-changing business opportunities for artists and their representatives in various territories, and plays an integral role in helping break Australian artists overseas.”

Since its inception in 2009, SOUNDS AUSTRALIA has participated at 50 different international events, taking place in 53 cities, across 20 countries.

The Australian Music Industry South American Trade Mission is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian Cultural Diplomacy Grant Program of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.


30 Nov – 3 Dec: Valdivia, Chile
FLUVIAL – Showcase conference

4-6 Dec: Buenos Aires, Argentina
BAFIM – Showcase conference

7-10 Dec: Sao Paulo, Brazil
SIM SP – Showcase conference

11 Dec: Porto Alegre, Brazil
AUDIO PORTO – Workshops and B2B networking

12-14 Dec: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
RIO MUSIC BUZZ – Showcase conference