September 20, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

DUNSMUIR – The New Superproject!

Interview with David Bone


Dunsmuir is:

Vocals: Neil Fallon (Clutch)
Guitar: Dave Bone (The Company Band)
Bass: Brad Davis (Fu Manchu)
Drums: Vinny Appice (Black Sabbath, Dio)


1. What was the main idea behind gathering all these  names and forming the band?

To bang the head that does not bang. 

2. How long did it took you to record and release the album?

Three sets of 13 complete lunar cycles

3. Due to the different members and personal commitments, were there any legal limitations that made this project a difficult one?

No. Laws are illegal in Dunsmuir.

4. Do you have plans to tour with all the members that appear in the album?

Yes. Eventually.

5. What was your personal and musical inspiration towards creating this album?

See answer to question number 1.

6. Who composed each track and which was the contribution of each member?

I’ll describe how it normally works. I (Dave) work up a bunch of riffs and then the guys all add their stuff and other parts to make it a complete song. Also sometimes Brad will be the one that kicks off a riff and then we will all add to it like he did in “Church of the Tooth”. But it doesn’t really matter who did what little detail because it takes all four of us to make a song a “Dunsmuir song.” When the group chemistry is great, we all essentially become the same writer in a way.

7. How do you place this band in the market of music? What is the most attractive element of your album?

We are heavy musicians that make music for heavy people.

8. How did you decide to release as a first single, the track “Our Only Master”?

Always come out swinging.

9. You have released four vinyl singles until now, what is your opinion about the vinyl’s comeback?

It’s great.

10. Who wrote the lyrics of the tracks and what type of subjects do they cover?

Neil. The record is a concept album about a 19th century shipwreck on a cursed island.


