September 21, 2024

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RIAA announces new “Hi-Res MUSIC” logo

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and its member companies today unveiled a new logo designed to help music fans more easily identify the highest-quality digital music. This significant step forward in the digital listening experience allows digital retailers to mark recordings that meet the official definition for “High Resolution Music” that was agreed to last year, in cooperation with the Consumer Electronics Association, DEG: The Digital Entertainment Group and The Recording Academy Producers & Engineers Wing.


High Resolution Music is officially defined as “lossless audio capable of reproducing the full spectrum of sound from recordings which have been mastered from better than CD quality (48kHz/20-bit or higher) music sources which represent what the artists, producers and engineers originally intended.” This definition ensures consumers receive music that is delivered in a digital format that retains the highest quality captured during the creative process.

The new Hi-Res MUSIC logo (attached), developed by 2B Communications Inc., was designed to identify those high resolution recordings that are available from digital music retailers in the U.S., Canada, and Europe for commercial downloads or streaming. The logo has been specifically designed to complement the Hi-Res AUDIO logo that is currently licensed by the Japan Audio Society for use on compatible consumer electronics devices.

In order to provide consumers with as much information as possible about the nature of these recordings, the Hi-Res MUSIC logo will also be accompanied by the name and resolution of the digital file format. In addition to its use by digital music retailers, record labels are able to feature the logo on advertising and promotional materials.

“Music fans have lots of options today about where to get their favorite music,” said David Hughes, Chief Technology Officer, RIAA. “Digital enthusiasts also want the highest quality version of their favorite recording that’s available, and the Hi-Res MUSIC definition and logo mark are useful tools to ensure that they have as much information as possible so that they can enjoy an optimal listening experience.”

“We are excited that retailers and service providers now have a Hi-Res MUSIC logo that allows audio fans to easily differentiate the highest resolution recordings from CD and compressed music offerings,” said Jim Belcher, Universal Music Group’s vice president of technology and production.

“There is no more transcendent experience in music than hearing the full depth and richness of a recording as the artist heard it in the studio,” said Craig Kallman, Chairman & CEO of Atlantic Records. “As a long-time audiophile, I’ve been championing the quest to create a great sonic experience in the digital world, and I’m thrilled to say that moment has arrived.  Now that technological breakthroughs have made this a reality, by branding Hi-Res MUSIC we have a great tool to raise fan awareness of how great digital music can sound.”

Said Mark Piibe, Executive Vice President, Global Business Development and Digital Strategy, Sony Music Entertainment, “Increasing numbers of digital music fans are expressing interest in high resolution music, and we want to create a consistent experience for them. This new logo and definition enables consumers to easily identify music that reproduces the full range of sound from recordings, exactly as the artist intended.”



Source: RIAA