January 12, 2025

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000


Heavy metal is a universal language. And this is proven once and for all by the formation of Metaspherical, whose debut single, “Cloth Of Ought To,” is planned for release September 4th via Amazon and iTunes.
Amazon sales link – http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-music&field-keywords=metaspherical

iTunes link – 

This first single features Kelly Shaefer (Atheist/Neurotica) on lead vocals, Jason Morley (Metaspherical) on guitar, Gene Hoglan (Testament/Dethklok/Dark Angel) on drums, Travis Morgan (ex-Atheist – travismorgan.net) on bass, Shawn Bowen (DidgesChrist Superdrum/Neurotica) on backing vocals, and an amazing guest lead from Andy LaRocque (King Diamond/Death).

Metaspherical is a global collective of players from all corners of the planet who have come together to fuse aspects of many of the classic sub-genres of metal. At this time, the countries currently represented include: Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Cuba, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Portugal, Sweden, and the United States. Some of the musicians who are currently on board for this project include past and present members associated with such acclaimed bands/artists as Atheist, Cynic, Death, King Diamond, Origin, Steve Vai, Testament, Voivod, and Zimmer’s Hole, as well as some incredibly talented unknown players, who all bring unique aspects of their varying styles to the table.

Metaspherical and all the musicians involved are very proud to partner with Sweet Relief (sweetrelief.org) for this Global Metal Adventure! When the track is purchased, you are helping raise the money to complete a full-length Metaspherical album, and also, to help aid working musicians who are suffering with physical and mental disabilities.

Morley (who is also Metaspherical’s producer) is the survivor of a very severe head injury, which required him to undergo seven brain surgeries and forced him to face some very serious challenges. One of these many challenges was struggling over a long period of time to physically build up dexterity in his hands, as well as having to re-teach himself many aspects of the guitar. Jason had previously studied  classical guitar and played heavy metal on electric guitars (without a pick) for well over a decade prior to this accident.

This is just the beginning, as Metaspherical will be looking for many more artists, both known and unknown, to grow this into something much larger where we can give back and help others through the spirit of Heavy Metal.

Soon, the rest of the world will be able to experience the mighty metal of Metaspherical.

For a taster, check out these video clips:

Metaspherical Trailer 

Metaspherical Cloth Of Ought To video 


Source: metaspherical.com