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Wikileaks articles referring to Black Metal music!

WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered “global intelligence” company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. One of their messages on 2013-03-28 00:00 GMT,comments on Black Metal and criticizes the Creed’s singer. The second Wikileaks article is publishing a recent document (05/11/2015) from the public library of the US Diplomacy and it refers to a Christian rock festival that took place in Morocco, where seven American and nine Moroccan Christian bands were scheduled to play. The US author of the message states that there was a fear of an attack by satanic metal fans!


The Creed Story

Email-ID     XXXXXXX
Date     2011-01-20 23:48:11
From     XXXXXXX
List-Name     XXXXXXX

Yeah, isn’t Norway where black metal was invented? Can we point this kid
to some better music?

On 1/20/2011 4:45 PM, XXXXXXX wrote:

Creed is considered heavy metal???? God help us all if that’s the
case…..Ronnie James Dio is rolling over in his grave

On Jan 20, 2011, at 4:40 PM, XXXXXXX wrote:

“They just turned around and simply trotted away.”

This is the exact same reaction I have to Creed songs

Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 16:40
Subject: [Social] Creed saves boy from wolves

probably the only worthwhile use of a Creed album

Norwegian Boy Fends Off Wolf Pack with Heavy Metal,1518,740680,00.html

While walking home from the busstop this week, a 13-year-old Norwegian
school boy stumbled upon four wolves. In the end, it may have been his
love of heavy-metal music by the band Creed that saved his life.

Walter Eikrem listened to music on his mobile phone as he often does
as he made his way home from school in the southern Norwegian town of
Rakkestad earlier this week. The path leading from the stop where he
catches the school bus to his family’s farmhouse traverses a gently
sloping hillside. All of a sudden, he made out something gray on the
hillside. “At first, I thought it might have been the neighbor’s
dogs,” he later told TV2, Norway’s largest commercial broadcaster.
What he actually encountered, though, were four wolves.

“I was afraid they would attack me,” Walter told the Norwegian tabloid
VG, describing the incident, which took place on Monday. But he didn’t
let his fear show. Remembering his parents’ advice, Walter pulled the
earphones out of his mobile phone, turned the volume all the way up
and blasted heavy metal music over its miniature speakers. At the same
time, he yelled as loud as he could while flailing his arms about
wildly to scare off the pack of wild animals.

“The worst thing you can do is run away because doing so just invites
the wolves to chase you down,” Walter told TV2. “But I was so afraid
that I couldn’t even run away if I’d wanted to.”

Overcoming the Wolves

The plan worked. Eikrem said he was able to drive away the wolves by
playing the song “Overcome” by the American hard-rock band Creed.
“They didn’t really get scared,” Walter said. “They just turned around
and simply trotted away.”

On Wednesday, the local newspaper Rakkestad Avis reported on Walter’s
encounter with the wolves and even gave his mother a chance to tell
her side of the story. She said she had actually intended to pick her
son up from school, but got delayed while shopping in Rakkestad and
didn’t make it on time.

“I have a completely guilty conscience,” she told the paper, “because
I knew there were wolves in the area. The previous evening, we saw
three wolves on the edge of the forest when we were putting our horses
in their stall. The horses were panicky.”

Even so, at least she had repeated to her children often enough just
how they needed to behave if they ran into any wolves. “Just don’t run
away,” she would tell them. “You can even get a little poodle to run
after you if you run away, even if it doesn’t even actually want to
attack you. And the same holds true for wolves.”

In the end, the son’s memory of her self-defense warnings — and a
little heavy metal — appears to have saved the day.



The Satanic Metal fans from Casablanca

C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 XXXXX SIPDIS DEPT FOR NEA/MAG AND DRL E.O. XXX : DECL: 05/11/2015 TAGS: MO, PHUM, PREL, SCUL SUBJECT: MARRAKECH BRAVES CONTROVERSY TO ROCK TO CHRISTIAN MUSIC REF: A. RABAT 958 B. RABAT 881 C. RABAT 845 Classified By: XXXXX for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d) 1. (C) SUMMARY: Thousands of Moroccans rocked to the music of seven American Christian bands and nine Moroccan groups at a well-organized outdoor concert, dubbed the Friendship Fest, that took place in Marrakech without incident on May 6-8. The event’s American and Moroccan organizers viewed the festival a “success” and told Poloffs that the Americans have been invited to organize an even larger event next year. Police estimated that some 100,000 concert goers took part in the free three-day festival. Although security was tight — we observed at least 15 police vans and three military convoys in the vicinity of the grounds — it was not oppressive, and concert goers were not restrained from responding to the music. The concert had become increasingly controversial as voices in mostly Islamist circles, but especially within the Islamist Party for Justice and Development (PJD) and the nationalist Istiqlal party, voiced concerns about an alleged Christian evangelical invasion of Morocco (reftels). Although the festival came off without a hitch, the underlying controversy has not abated as the Minister of Habous and Islamic Affairs was forced to once again deny reports of ongoing Christian evangelism during oral questioning at parliament on May 11. A separate business development conference in Fez, also organized by American evangelists, concluded with mixed results.

Doumou asserted to Poloffs that at no point was he concerned about security for the concert, despite the avalanche of press articles alleging an evangelical Christian invasion of Morocco in the weeks leading up to the concert. He said he rejected recommendations from security officials to mount motorcycle barriers in the concert area on grounds that the concert should preserve its openness and be free for all who wished to attend. He commented that fearing for the safety of what he called a “gang” of “Satanic” heavy metal-loving concert goers from Casablanca, a small group of policemen was dispatched to keep a close protective eye on them. Doumou said this precaution ended up being unnecessary, however, as the group took part in the concert without causing trouble.



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