September 26, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

The Sound recording copyright term becomes 70 years in Canada

The sound recording copyright term in Canada is now 70 years after release, like in Europe. As previously reported, the Canadian government’s Economic Action Plan published in April announced that Canadian copyright law would be amended to bring the sound recording term in line with Europe. And that new law has now been given royal assent.

Recordings previously had 50 years of copyright protection in Canada, but legislators there have followed the lead of the European Union in pushing that up to 70, despite opposition from various quarters, with some critics arguing that copyright terms are, in the main, too long already and shouldn’t get any longer.

Welcoming the development, Graham Henderson, President of Music Canada, said yesterday: “In extending the term of copyright in recorded music, Prime Minister Harper and the government of Canada have demonstrated a real understanding of music’s importance to the Canadian economy. Thank you. We are thrilled to see Canada brought in line with the international standard of 70 years”.


Source: CMU
Image credit: Creative Common License