June 29, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

NELSON – Peace Out (Frontiers Records)

1 min read

The music of NELSON was always a subject for discussion among the fans during the early 1990s, half of them loved to hate them and the other really liked them, especially the girls! The band stayed alive despite of the Grunge era that killed the whole scene and they kept releasing a series of melodic rock albums. I cannot admit that I had always been a follower of them but at least I was happy everytime there was a new release. This time it is quite different from the previous one because I tend to really like this album, every song leaves a precious stigma in my soul and I cannot belive that in 2015 they released such a good album. You can hear catchy hooks, power ballands and a great production. There are many similarities with Bon Jovi but it seems that this is the lost album that Bon Jovi never recorded…

Info: http://www.frontiers.it/