October 2, 2024

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Priorities For The Live Performance Sector For The European Commission Term 2014-2019

Pearle*-Live Performance Europe, presents its priorities, which include a number of general and specific demands for the sector. In the paper Pearle* calls upon the EU to create a true internal market by smart regulation and a framework that gives oxygen to the sector, such as through access to finance, by cutting red tape and lower compliance costs. More specifically, live performance enterprises call attention for 42 concrete measures of importance in 13 key European policy areas.

They are to be addressed during the present European Commission term says President of Pearle*, Rolf Bolwin: “We have high expectations of the new European Commission who puts better regulation as a key priority in the policy making. At present live performance organisations are confronted with more than 150 EU regulations affecting the way in which they operate. Every performance is unique and results from the combined effort of the performers on the stage and a large team working behind the curtains. As our sector is in all aspects very international, it requires numerous rules to be taken into account to make a production and finally present it to an audience. I believe that it’s time for Europe to relieve the sector by reducing compliance costs, taking away obstacles to mobility and increasing access to finance.”

Through its members associations Pearle* – Live Performance Europe represents more than 5000 performing arts and music enterprises. The federation celebrates its 25th anniversary this year and is seen today as the reference body forEU legal affairs impacting the sector.The paper on priorities is an example of Pearle’s approach to address all relevant EU policy areas which affect live performance organisations when they produce, programme or tour artistic and creative products.

The 13 key policy areas included in the paper: culture, e-commerce and consumers, education and skills, employment and social affairs, environment and Cites, intellectual property rights, internal market and public services, transport, radio spectrum and PMSE, state aid, taxation, third-country nationals, trade.


Source: Pearle