September 29, 2024

Skylight Webzine

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Morrissey: The number one position on the charts is typically bought

The former member of The Smiths is always an interesting act to have an interview with. Morrissey recently caught the music media attention due to the battle between him and his previous label regarding the business of his work. Now he talked with a journalist from the media Madrid’s El Pais and stated the most secret tips of the music industry: ” 1. The number one position on the charts is typically bought.

2. A label can sign an artist to bury that artist.

3. A label will issue a press release saying their new discovery has sold 30 million copies, when the actual figure is 30,000, but the media make it official.

4. The label strives to pay nothing and shift all expenses to the artist, so that its profit is completely clean.

5. Before even listening to a record, the executives have already decided if it will triumph or not in the marketplace.

6. The bosses are all men; the women who work in the industry are eternally girls, even if they are 52 years old.

7. The Grammy Awards have always been divided between the labels, so that its executives can boast that they’re relevant and dialed in.”



Sources: Madrid’s El Pais / Digital Music News