September 29, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Miley Cyrus Covers Led Zeppelin’s ‘Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You’

Miley Cyrus is known for many things like twerking and the pop enigma that is “Bangerz,” and now a growing and diversified musical interest can be added to that list. She’s teamed up with her friends in The Flaming Lips to cover The Beatles, as well as The Smiths and Outkast. Most recently, Cyrus released a recording of herself singing the band’s “Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You.” Despite Cyrus’ annoyingly placed “Baby” in the title, the extremely lo-fi quality of the song and the inherent challenge of covering a Zeppelin song, one can’t deny her dynamics, gritty belts and enthusiasm are on point.
