October 5, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Tommy Lee Stole My Rollercoaster Drum Set Idea…

Mention ‘rollercoaster drum set,’ and of course, the first name that comes up is Tommy Lee. But this gigantic accomplishment of rhythmic showmanship may be casting a deep shadow on the true creator.  Last last week, engineer Scott King filed legal papers in LA Superior Court alleging that Lee stole his idea.  Apparently King approached Lee with the concept back in 1991, though Tommy’s camp says no such meeting took place.  King is seeking damages north of $400,000.
Lee’s lawyers also question whether the idea itself was properly protected, while pointing to major differences between the plans.  King’s concept was not a circle, but instead a mini-rollercoaster that snaked around the stage.  The implemented version features a vertically-intensive ring.

And for those that think rollercoaster drumming is easy, Tommy Lee described the extreme challenges last year.  “Playing upside down is insane – it’s two or three times more difficult than normal.  Your feet want to come off the pedals, your arms want to drop.  All of your body is fighting gravity.  The only time it’s comfortable is when you’re in the ground position. The rest of the time everything’s out of control.”


Source: Digital Music News