July 2, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

THERION – 25 years of Megatherion

6 min read

Interview with Christofer Johnsson

1. Hello Christofer, what is the band up to now?

Busy times preparing for the tour and also busy times for me preparing the release of the new record.

2. How are you going to celebrate the 25 years of Therion?

We already did a 25 year anniversary tour in Latin America and now we were working on a 25 year anniversary project that includes and album among other things.

3. Why did you decide to focus on other activities than recording and touring? What kind of activities are you going to implement?

I can’t reveal that, it would ruin the whole thing. Let’s just say there’s a lot of them. Some are aimed for the people, some are aimed for my self. Much of it will probably be looked upon as weird or spectacular.

4. Is your decision a result of the ongoing situation in the music industry or it is related to something more personal?

Depends on what you mean. If you mean why I am releasing the record alone instead of via Nuclear Blast, then the answer is simply that we have a fantastic relationship between me and the label and I was allowed to do what ever I wanted through the years and had total artistic freedom. This time it was too spectacular and weird to them and I would have had to do a compromise for them to release it, a compromise where no one would be really happy, but kind of could live with it. I’m not a compromising guy and I also don’t want to push the label that have supported me so hard over the years. So I suggested I could buy back the master tapes and release it my self.

5. Why did you decide to sell your album “Les Fleurs Du Mal” only through touring?

I don’t know where that information comes from. It’s not only gonna be sold only on tour. We will start selling it on tour, then it will be put into regular distribution later.

Today a new album is up on internet the same day the journalists get the promo in their mail box. I wanted, just for once, that a new album is really new to the fans when it’s out. Just like when I grew up.

Second reason is I am planning to sit by the merch boot for several hours every day on the tour (as a part of the 25 year anniversary). It will be great being able to sign and dedicate every single copy that get sold.

Third reason is I’ve put (so far) 85.000 euro into this production and selling the album straight to as many fans as possible is a way of increasing the margins (no hands in between band and the fan buying) for the first sales, as it’s a long way to recover that investment.

6. Do you believe in alternative ways of distribution?

Sure, but only as a compliment. But that’s my personal belief. I guess unavoidable that we’re moving towards a pure digital distribution where everything is available everywhere. With time it may develop into something good, who knows?

7. Any useful information for the musical content of the album?

I can’t reveal much. A vital part of the art project is the spontaneous reactions. That is why we don’t send out any promo copies to the press (it’s enough if 1 of 100 journalists put it on internet, then it’s all over there in one day).

But let’s say it’s a fascinating melting pot of darkness and light. The sound of odd couples making friends.

8.  I am aware that you have plans for a rock opera. Could you give us more details about it?

Yes. I was writing on a regular opera for a number of years, but I never managed to finnish it because of time- and artistic reasons. Time problem is Therion takes up so much time and I also became a father 4 years ago, which changed a lot. Artistic problem is my head is to “damaged” from rock music that I can only write the hit parts of the opera, the parts picks for highlights CD’s sold to people that don’t have the nerves to listen to entire operas. The “boring” parts needed to glue them together is difficult for me to write. I ned action in the music and it kills your brain if there’s too much action for 2 hours of opera music. So after not really writing a single tone for several years, I thought “Why not just stick to doing what I do best – to mix metal/rock with opera?”. I had already “borrowed” some parts from the opera to Therion earlier (beginning and ending of Blood of Kingu for example), so I thought, lets therionize the entire thing and make a Therion opera. Which will be the worlds first real rock opera in the true sense of the word – all other so called rock operas are in reality “rock musicals”, there’s no opera in it.

We’ll start working on it when the art project is over.

9. How deep is your involvement with classical music?

Classical music was my first love in music (back the it was Beethoven) and have always been a strong part of my musical life. The last couple of years I have had a very stressy life though, so it has been hard to find time to sit down and listen to a full symphony or any longer pieces.

10. What type of music do you listen when you are at home?

Besides classical music and opera… I seldom had time to listen to music lately, but when I do it’s mostly 70’s hard rock and prog/symphonic rock. But I also enjoy 80’s heavy metal, Voivod, some obscure 60’s music. Not many new bands. I think the latest Opeth is the only album I’ve bought the last 10 years and really enjoyed.

11. How do you view the current status of the music scene?

Spotify is economically bringing much of the scene down and as a result of that everyone try to tour more instead, with the result that touring also gets harder for everyone. That’s the sad bit.

The good part is that vinyl sales are increasing every year. Still just a small part, but the amount of people who are a part of the movement against low quality streamed/downloaded music warms my heart. It’s not necessarily a question of money; Spotify pay basically nothing, but legal downloads from for example iTunes actually give me more cash than a sold CD. So that’s not my point. What I mean is: it’s great to be able to listen to music from your iPhone when you’re out or be able to dock it to a player at a party and have all your fave records with you. But when you sit at home and just want to enjoy a bands album, it’s a sad alternative to play it low quality from a phone, an iPod or even worse – computer speakers. I know this is normal for the younger generation, but I feel sorry for them not knowing what they miss having a good stereo and sitting with your attention down the booklet/sleeve when you’re home enjoying a really good album. The physical object containing the music has a considerable value in it self to me. It’s like comparing reading a real book in a comfortable arm chai or read a text on the computer. 

12. Are you still familiar with the death / black metal scene?

Not much. If you mean newer bands. I can still enjoy some good old Bathory, Celtic Frost or something like that if I’m in the mood for it.

13. What should we expect from your live show in Greece?

The set will be a few tracks from “Les Fleurs du Mal”, but most of it will be old classics mixed with some more odd Therion songs that was never played live before and rare tracks like Via Nocturna. It will be memorable, those not being there will regret it. ; )

It’s also the last opportunity to see the band playing regular live shows for a number of years.

14. Therion is a Greek name, are you familiar with the Greek history / mythology?

Old greek name.  ; )

I’m no expert, but I have a basic clue.


Information: http://www.megatherion.com