September 21, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

MINISTRY: „99 Percenters“ video clip released!

MINISTRY madman Al Jourgensen is up to his old tricks and political ranting with the brand new “99 Percenters” video
In “99 Percenters,” Jourgensen teams up with his native El Pasonian and co-conspirator, director and animator
Zach Passero (Wicked Lake, Ministry, Lieslieslies, RevCo, Fire Engine).

Says Jourgensen “Hopefully this song and video will motivate people to take action against the Kleptocracy we find
ourselves living in. I am in awe of the passion and motivation of the Occupy Wall Street movement and feel compelled
to contribute what I can to inspire global citizens to continue to take to the streets in protest against the encroaching
New World Order.”

MINISTRY’s highly-anticipated comeback album „Relapse“ will be released on March 23rd (USA March 26th)!

Source: AFM Records