September 29, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Kimberly Freeman Of Rock Duo One-Eyed Doll Releases New Single “Enchantment” Exclusively Through One-Eyed Doll’s Website Just For Fans

However busy Austin rock duo (think Barbra Streisand meets White Stripes meets Black Sabbath) One-Eyed Doll gets; whether it’s escaping wild fires in their home base of Austin, TX, touring with Cold and Wayne Static or continuing to build their robust catalogue, they always make time to show their appreciation for their fans around the world.
After all it’s their fans that help to underwrite nearly every creative endeavour the band embarks on, including recently recording a new album in Weed, CA with Sylvia Massy (Tool, System of A Down, Johnny Cash), scheduled for release later this year.

“Our fans are are a collective modern day patron of the arts. I wouldn’t be living my dream without their growing support and love,” gushes Kimberly Freeman of One-Eyed Doll.

One-Eyed Doll has a system of “donate to download” set up via for people to get their music for any amount they choose – even free.

“Our fans are generous, musically eclectic people who will go out of their way to support the artists they listen to. They’ve shown me a humbling and wonderful perspective, and I just can’t thank them enough. Many of my songs are actually inspired by fans, including this recent one: ‘Enchantment’,” Freeman continues.

“Enchantment,” now available at, chronicles the struggles and vulnerabilities of living on the road but also the sheer magic that happens when fans and musicians join together for a common cause. Kimberly set down her guitar for this song and chose the piano to capture a dreamier side of One-Eyed Doll’s usual ragged and rockin’ aesthetic.

One-Eyed Doll is currently on tour with Wayne Static of Static X . For more information on One-Eyed Doll, updates from the road, and where to grab music, including “Enchantment,” visit:
