September 20, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Don’t Stop Believin’: The Untold Story of Journey (book) – Neil Daniels

The scope of this book is to reveal the truth behind the career of Journey and how each member contributed to the success of the famous music group. Neil Daniels is our tour guide in this “journey” and  the whole tour examines the main events that occurred from 1973 till 2010 so as to make the band an outstanding instance of commercial and artistic success. Each chapter covers either a  shorter or longer period of the band’s career and the sources of the empirical data are interviews that exist in popular music magazines or interviews that Neil conducted with ex-members of the group. The fact that this book does not have the official consent from the band’s management, prevented Neil from interviewing the current members because there are legal agreements that act as a barrier for this process. But while people may consider it as a disadvantage, the interviews with ex-members of the band and the former manager seem to be very interesting by providing new important info.

The timing for this book is really good because “Glee” and other TV shows make Journey a  new trend even for younger generations and everybody is hungry for precious info about this super band. While there are a few older books about Journey, this book covers a longer time period and the unofficial character makes it more flexible to offer a critical review of the band’s career without being disrespectful towards the band’s fans.
