September 13, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

The UK Music Industry Welcomes A Creative Industries Council

2 min read

The UK music industry has welcomed Government’s announcement to support the creation of a Creative Industries Council (CIC) as a significant step for this country’s music and creative entrepreneurs and recognition of their role in driving economic growth.

Announced as part of Government’s Plan For Growth, the Council will “provide a voice for the sector with the financial community and coordinate action on barriers to growth…as well as access to finance, the CIC will look at other issues in the sector, which may include skills, export markets, regulation, IP and infrastructure”.

The establishment of such a high-level body to develop and deliver policy for the creative industries was the primary recommendation made in Liberating Creativity, UK Music’s manifesto for the music industry.

UK Music’s Chief Executive, Feargal Sharkey said “To paraphrase the Chancellor, I can think of few better examples than music of a success ‘made, created, designed and invented in Britain’. Given our nation’s increased economic dependence on intellectual property and other intangible products, I am optimistic that today’s announcement will ensure creative businesses receive similar support to other industrial sectors.

“The UK remains a world leader in creative industries, and music itself is a significant driver of economic growth. By way of example, last week UK artists occupied the top 3 spots in the US album charts. We are ambitious to build upon such successes and to ensure this nation’s creators and creative entrepreneurs have every possible opportunity to thrive.”

Other significant measures for music announced in today’s Plan For Growth include:

* Reduce the licensing burdens for live music
* A five-year international approach to IP – including a network of overseas IP attachés in key global markets
* A UKTI marketing plan to promote opportunities for investment in the UK Digital and Creative Industries Sector

Sharkey added “Overall, we are heartened that Government recognises music’s unique potential. Aside from the CIC, we particularly welcome measures on live music licensing and overseas IP attachés, and will work with Government to help implement these plans in the weeks and months ahead.”

The UK’s creative industries currently employ nearly 2 million people and account for 8.2% of GDP.

The UK music industry alone employs more than 120,000 people and has a turnover of £3.9bn per annum.

Source: MI2N