March 7, 2025

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

1. So I am surprised to hear classic hard rock again and not nu metal or pop punk….

It’s the kind of music most of the people we know here in Los Angeles want to hear, it’s the kind of music we love and can’t get enough of. We like to think of ourselves as “Modern American Hard Rock” combining elements of what made hard rock great in the first place with a modern edge and a heavy attack.

2. Would you like to talk us about the story of the band ?

The band was formed for the purpose of writing and playing the kind of music we love, the kind the radio doesn’t play enough of, the kind everybody we know wants to hear. With myself on vocals (Marc Don Vito) singing my heart out, with these guys I can’t hold anything back and that’s how I like it, singing my lungs out and leaving a pint of blood on the stage, Doug Kass on guitar, Doug is the best guitarist I’ve ever played with, his influences are Jimi Hendrix and Tony Iommi and believe me if both of those guys could be rolled into one person that’s Doug, Jonathan Brown on drums, one of the most solid and inventive drummers in the business, not to mention crazy, but then you’d have to be crazy to play the way he does, David Hale on bass, a veteran from the streets of Hollywood, and you can imagine how that would warp anyone’s mind, which makes him a perfect match for Jon.
3. What does the name of the band represent for you and your music ?

It’s the perfect choice for the kind of band we are and the kind of music we play, no matter who you are, where you are, how you are, we just roll over you at full steam.
4. The promo CD includes 3 songs , have you recorded other songs except them ?

We are in the process of recording more songs now. We’ll keep you posted.
5. Are you in touch with any labels to release your album?

We’ve contacted several labels, there’s talk but nothing we can confirm at this point. We are still looking and will be glad to talk to anyone.
6. How hard is for a classic hard rock band in USA to find an interesting label ?

It’s always a challenge to find the right label. We need to find those individuals who understand us and what we want to bring to the world and who are just as excited about what we do as we are. They’re out there and fate will bring us together.

7. When are you going to tour and where ?

We are planning to tour this summer. We intend on covering the planet, our mission is to make the world our neighborhood.