September 28, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

1. Do you feel shameless or do you play shameless music?

Both the songs come natural. I never have to make up any stories which makes it much easier than if i would have 2 do.

2. There are many known members in this band, so is this your personal project or a real band?

It ‘s a mix of it. See sometimes some of our members are busy with other projects and then i use the other guys. I think this is the best working way for us and i΄m really happy with it. All that matters is the music and not who΄s who.

3. Is SHAMELESS a tribute for late 80’s sound or do you think that you can spread your music message in new fans too?

I never thought about it as a tribute cause i don΄t know who that tribute would be to. A tribute is the project that i΄m envolved with at the moment. It΄s called “Undressed” and is a tribute to KISS with only songs from their album “Unmasked”. We have a website for it @ and the tribute should be out this april.

4. There’s a new album of SHAMELESS in the market, can you talk about it?

Splashed is the 3rd Shameless album with 11 new songs. 9 have Steve Summers on vocals and 2 have Stevie Rachelle on it. We have mp3΄s of almost all the songs on the website so you can check it out @ It΄s simply Rock΄n Roll and nothing else. There will be a live CD comin΄out pretty soon, that was recorded on our england tour last october. The Cd will also have 2 new studiotracks and a different version of “She΄s not comin΄΄ home. The CD will be called “The Shameless Super Hardcore Show”.

5. What kind of influences do you have?

Kiss, Beatles and early motley crue. But i like all kinds of rock music.

6. Why do you use two singers in the band?

Because it makes it more interesting for the listeners of the cd. I like KISS and the Beatles and they had 4 guys singing so we are still behind that. Also Steve and STevie sound so different from each other but they both fit perfect into Shameless

7. Which is the sexual message of the lyrics?

We all love women and we show that in our music. Why should i write about things that i don΄t like. That doesn΄t make sense 2 me.

8. Let us know about the beautiful girls that appear in the booklet of your CD

Well what is better than looking at a beautiful woman.

9. Would you characterise your sound, music or a Glam lifestyle?

Well the music is rock and we look glam. Which is cool. I like 2 look at good lookin΄things. Beautiful women or cars and i like 2 see someting going on instead of someone boring

10. Do you consider Glam, a music tune or a lifestyle?

Glam is only about looks but we΄re also a rock band

11. Are you going to tour?

We hopefully go back on tour this april thru europe. We will find out pretty soon.

12. Are all the album’s members are going to participate in the live shows of the band?

No not all of them it will be Steve, B.C., myself and 2 friends that allready joined us on the last 2 tours.

13. Hair bands used to have top ten singles but when Grunge came up, the dream faded away. Do you want to make the lost dream, reality?

No, i don΄t have dreams, i only have goals. Dreams r 2 far away and i like to reach for what i want. Dreams r for dreamers and i΄m not a dreamer.

14. Send a message to all your friends and fans

I hope you enjoy our music as much as we do to record and perform it. There΄s nothing better than to be Shameless