March 7, 2025

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

1. First of all, tell us the history of “Darklight”

We met in different stages, but we always had the same damn target: TO PLAY FUCKIN’METAL !!!during those band’s years, many things have changed: some member, some song and even our stile,but our aim always helped us going on so far.we’re 5 different people that gathered together make a real and nice family.our way of playing is full of energy and emotion and this keeps us alive.we adopted the name darklght because we think it represents the dimension among light and darkness and at a time it contains the both like it is for existence,delight,pain,life and death.

2. Tell us some details for the cd “I Know the end…”

 “i know the and…”it’s a work that is giving us a plenty of satisfaction and which allowed us to express in the best way our emotins in a particular period of our life.the songs have been created in the space of 6 months and the recordings in less than one.with this work we succeeded in the purpose of transmitting something to the people who’s listening to it;our emotions and our aim.the rewieus on italian and european web-sites and fanzines have been really good untill today

3. Is there any feedback from the audience about the cd till now ?

 “…hey guys,listen to the riff,does it sound good?wait a moment;i’ll try to put some melody and lirycs on it!..yeah it’s groovy!”.the rest comes up itself,we understend each other at the first sight;first is the raw stuff,and then are the facetings, arrangements,etc..we start with a guitar/keyboard riff.and thrn we work on it all’s always hard to arrange 5 burks but the whole thing is always constructive!if the track doesn’t work,we put it aside and we start working on something else.

4. Have you already played any gig?

We’re playing,by the way of agencies,in pubs and live clubs with a good response from the audience according to the chances given to us.this way we hope something will move up for us,mostly abroad.

5. Your influences from the metal scene?

 Our influences are different even because every one of us listen to something different…of course with a metal sound!we think this is an important reason that allows to the people who’s listening,to recognise the originality of our the stage of composition each one makes his part.”five emotions melt together in one that’s huge and definitive”.

6. Tell me you favorite album and your favorite band

The list should be endless,but of course each band of the 80’s classic metal scene. obviously iron maiden,manowar,king diamond, metallica, queensryche, accept, running wild, doro & warlock, judas priest, black sabbath, ozzy, saxon, testament, death, metallica, helloween, malmsteen, rainbow…than going to the actual stuff like cradle of filth,moonspell,nightwish,dimmu borgir,rottig christ,in flames, dark tranquillity, children of bodom and some more…as you can see, the list is varied.

7. Where do you come from?

We all live in the province of milan.

8.Tell me your opinion about the metal scene in your country

In italy the metal scene is quite difficult  there are a few really-high-level-bands well considered abroad,but nobody give a fuck of them here.but the whole system is hard we think;nobody care about the underground and there are just a couple of places where you can play live.maybe there’s a lack of interest by the locals labels in the underground,and maybe the underground itself is too much limited. It’s definitely better abroad!

9. What are your plans in the future for “Darklight”?

As well as many other young people we want to play!we want people to listen to our music,to spread our emotions!we’re made for life on the road. We love to play and we’ll keep on doing it until when we will enjoy it, that personally means, forever! Until the end ,just heavy metal!

10.Is metal a way of your life?

No doubt about that!

11.I found you through internet, do you think that the net can replace the
old underground days?

Time goes by,everything  grows up and of course the internet is a massive mean of communication,a way to make people know you even if they’re far from you.but we still think that the old road of the underground is the best one!go there, play some good metal, kick some ass smash up everything and come back! Call us and we’ll play everywhere!live contest is the best way!

12.Thanks for your interview and close the interview as you like.

Thanks everybody for giving us the opportunity of talking about ourselves hoping we can meet one day.we look forward to coming to play to greece!oh yeah! ciao everybody!
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