January 9, 2025

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000


1.First of all, tell us the history of “Cessation of Life”?

Cessation Of Life started 8 years ago in Camarillo California when drummer Ron Ostlund placed and add in the local paper looking for musicians to jam with. They were more or less a full band when I joined but members of that first line up fell away to make way for the people that really new how to play. As the years have rocked by C.O.L. has opened for Deicide, Hammer Fall, Testament, Death and Drain STH among many others. We’ve tour the U.S. 3 times and have multiple CD releases. You can find out more at www.cessationoflife.com .

2.Tell us some details for the cd “Kill you again”

The “Kill You Again” CD is a very big step forward from the previous cd “Aggressive By Nature / Destructive By Choice”. The over all heaviness of the whole CD and the progression of the band is obvious. This CD was written in a particularly dark time in my life and the whole groove of the CD is very angry and pissed off.

3.Is there any feedback from the audience about these cd till now ?

Yeah, the CD has been taken very well. The audiences we played to on this last tour this past summer really got in to it. We are getting some great air time on radio stations in France, Greece and Germany.

4.Which is the procedure when you write the songs?

Each time we have written a CD it has been different. The “Aggressive By Nature…” cd was partly written when I joined the band. Then when the rest of the guys joined up we finished writing as a group and then recorded. The “Kill You Again” cd started as a full group effort and then was finished by Ron Travis and myself. The newest CD we are working on is a full band effort but this time we are writing a cd with the whole idea already laid out before us. Each band member has chosen specific sections and are writing the lyric’s for that section. On this cd we wanted the songs to flow together and melt from section to section expressing the story that we are telling. I don’t want to give to many details, because when this is does it will be a real master piece.

5. Have you already played any gig?

Oh yeah, Cessation Of Life has played hundreds of shows under it’s belt. We will be in Oxnard California this Saturday December 14th at the A&M Roadhouse. This up coming summer we will tour the U.S. again but we are really looking to get over to Europe. We’d love to do the Wacken Open Air or do a tour of Europe either supporting someone or on our own.

6.Your influences from the metal scene?

I’ve been a Metal Head for so many years. It’s hard for me to just name one or two bands. I know Travis (Guitar) is into the new Napalm Death CD and I know Ron (Drums) is deep into the new NILE right now. But to be honest, I haven’t really been listening to allot of new Metal bands. I like what Priest has done lately and Testament. I just like that style of production. I still crank up Suicidal or Slayer. I’m also a big Elvis fan so I find myself listening to him allot.

7.Tell me you favorite album and your favorite band

Fav CD?!?!? That’s a hard one. I really dig Bigger than the Devil from S.O.D. and I crank up old Maiden on a regular basis…stuff like “Piece Of Mind”, “Number Of The Beast” or “Power Slave” are killer. I’ve been listening to “Undisputed Attitude” from Slayer. I used to listen to that old Punk way back in the day.

8.Where do you come from?

I was born in Covina California just outside Los Angeles. I’ve lived in Los Angeles my whole life. The band is based in Camarillo California 60 miles north of LA.

9.Tell me your opinion about the metal scene in your country

Well, if you would have asked me 5 years ago I would have told you it sucks. But it really has gotten allot better. Los Angeles has allot of great Metal bands but it’s a tough gig out here. It’s gotten better but it is still a tough place to make it big. We choose to tour the US because the crowds are so much bigger. But over all it’s better that is was. But when people in the US this Metal they think Disturbed. They are cool and all but I consider Metal to be HEAVIER! Morbid Angel or Mortician or Nile. Those bands are Extreme. We are Thrash Metal….Speed Thrash. We aren’t Nu-Metal. That stuff is cool and all, but it’s lacks.

10.Do you know anything about the metal scene in Greece?

I read online zines and I follow what the festival scene is Europe is doing. I read about tours and bands playing in Europe but I’m not real focused in on Greece. I know that they have some Extreme bands and that they do play some Killer Music the radio. I know that Cessation Of Life would fit in REAL well over there and we’d love to get over there and play.

11.What are your plans in the future for “Cessation of life”?

Our plan’s are to finish this next cd. We are going to tour someplace this summer, but we have not yet announced where. We may start playing more in the Los Angeles scene again after the first of the year. Once this CD is done we will send it out to the world and see what they think. Then roll the dice and let fate take us where it will.

12.Is metal a way of your life?

It couldn’t be any other way. Ever since I first heard the crushing distortion of AC/DC and KISS in the 70’s I’ve been a Metal Head. It’s more that a way of life. I can speak for the band when I say “We Live this shit”. We play loud, We play fast, We party hard and we do it night after night.

13.I found you through internet, do you think that the net can replace the
old underground days?

Yes I do and I think it’s awesome. Cessation Of Life has been embracing the internet for 6 or 7 years now. We have been contacting people all over the world for years and I think the underground has gain strength from it.

14.Thanks for your interview and close the interview as you like.

I want to thank the Metal Fans world wide but especially in Europe. In the 70’s I was introduced to Metal. Through the 80’s I rocked hard and into the 90’s I played in bands tearing up the scene. But when bands like Nirvana came along, it destroyed Metal in the U.S. But in Europe the torch stayed lit. I feel that because of Europe the Metal Scene is stomping over the world again in the meanest fashion ever. Euro fan’s stayed true and I have watched the underground become the main stream and Metal is once again walking the earth looking for victims. Cessation Of Life owes allot to the underground internet scene and the fans in Europe.
I can tell you that Ron Ostlund, Travis Anderberg, Justin Sane and myself look forward to one day ROCKING the people of Greece.