September 20, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Metal Blade Records Pulls Music Off Spotify

Fans began noticing several days ago that seminal indie hard rock label Metal Blade has pulled their music off Spotify, and our own survey confirmed it this morning. There’s been no official response from either the label or Spotify as to why they made the move. But another heavy metal and hardcore label, Century Media also pulled its artists from Spotify earlier this summer. According to Century, they did it “to protect the interests of their artists”.

“The income streams to the artists are affected massively and therefore that accelerates the downward spiral, which eventually will lead to artists not being able to record music the way it should be recorded,” stated to Century. “Ultimately, in some cases, it will completely kill a lot of smaller bands that are already struggling to make ends meet.

We don’t know if Metal Blade agrees or has their own reasons for dropping Spotify. Century did stick one toe back in the Spotify pools by posting sampler albums. Spotify “is a great tool to discover new music,” admits Century. So they’re, reintroducing their bands to Spotify by putting up the samplers. “This way, fans can still discover the great music released by the label.”

So far, the only Metal Blade music we could find on Spotify had been released via other labels.

Source: Metal Blade