September 20, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Bryan Adams: ‘I Feel Sad For Young Musicians.’

Cake’s John McCrea of and Bryan Adams must be friends. Earlier this month, McCrea said that music will be a hobby for most in 5 or 10 years. Adams is now echoing similar thoughts.


“I feel quite sad for the young musicians coming up because they may never get to pay their rent properly…

It doesn’t matter what the genre; nowadays, it’s so much harder than it ever was. You want to get paid for your work and be able to take something home to your family or yourself. I tip my hat to anybody today that can make music and move forward.”

In a recent feature, musician Jason Parker addressed this point:

“Many folks who decry the state of the music industry these days point to some mythical ‘golden age’ when they think it was easier for a working musician to make a living. I don’t believe such an age ever existed. All working artists have had to struggle, hustle, be creative, roll with the punches and piece together a living doing multiple jobs.

In Parker’s view, making a living from music has always involved a bit of struggle, i.e. not quite being able to pay the rent, but he says “that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Rather, all evidence supports the fact that it is entirely possible.”

Source: Hyperbot