October 4, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

80s Metal Band CHASTAIN Strikes Back!

CHASTAIN’s We Bleed Metal 17 is the next generation of the band’s 2015 Cd We Bleed Metal. Guitarist David T Chastain explains the new release: “As everyone knows I don’t tour any longer and spend all of my time in the studio. So I experiment a lot with both new and old material. We Bleed Metal 17 has the same drums and vocals as the original We Bleed Metal but it has 100% new and completely different music. A totally different sound and feel from the original version. Also on most CHASTAIN albums there are always at least 5 guitar tracks per song. However on We Bleed Metal 17 there is only 1 guitar track per song. So this is a very live sounding release with actually more lead guitar than the original. This is as close as anyone is ever going to get to a high quality live CHASTAIN album. There is 1 guitar, bass, drums, lead vocal and a couple of harmony vocals. Also We Bleed Metal 17 has a very live sound with more drum room mics incorporated into the mix. You can hear Stian Kristoffersen’s drums more as they are front and center on this release without a massive wall of rhythm guitars taking up space in the mix.”

Returning vocalist Leather Leone adds: “This is my favorite CHASTAIN release since Mystery of Illusion!”

David continues, “As time goes on I have learned to enjoy the more stripped down sounds. In the early days sometimes there would be 20 guitar tracks on a song. Needless to say it was impossible to replicate that live and a major reason I never liked to tour. To me there was too much missing from the recorded versions for me to enjoy myself.”

Vocalist Leather Leone was the vocalist on the classic CHASTAIN albums: Mystery of Illusion, Ruler of the Wasteland, The 7th of Never, The Voice of the Cult and For Those Who Dare. Leather rejoined the band in 2013 with the release of the impressive Surrender To No One. She has just recently toured Europe as a solo artist with her new Brazilian backing band being billed as “Leather Leone: The Voice of Chastain.” Leather is putting the finishing touches on her new solo album that should be out later in 2017. Leather adds, “The response has been fantastic on my live concerts! I have been signing autographs for 20-year-old boys whose parents had turned them on to us. They come up to me crying. The boys from Brazil are so blown away by our fans. Spain, Germany and Sweden were crazy. I feel like I’m 20. The female fans are so hot and the boys in the band are loving it!”

Also returning for We Bleed Metal 17 is original CHASTAIN bassist Mike Skimmerhorn who once again lays the foundation so that the rest of the band can explore and create.
Guitarist David T. Chastain states, “This one live guitar sound is something I have been use to most of my professional life in concert situations but never recorded a metal record in that format. We still have a foot in the past but we are also embracing the future. I have my style of writing metal and it isn’t ever going to change to any major degree. Leather proves she hasn’t lost anything from her glory days. Stian’s kicks the band to the next level, as he is the youngest member with the most modern influences. For me this album is one of my favorite CHASTAIN releases in the catalog because it could be replicated100% in concert. I find myself being able to listen to We Bleed Metal 17 over and over.”

As the title track declares: “We will sacrifice and we will pay the price cause WE BLEED METAL!”


Source: https://www.facebook.com/DavidTChastain2