October 4, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Write and record with 10cc/Godley & Creme Legend Kevin Godley?

10cc/Godley & Creme legend Kevin Godley is starting a PledgeMusic campaign for his highly anticipated new solo album “MUSCLE MEMORY.” What makes this album special, along with being his very first solo album, is that it will be comprised of collaborations between Kevin and, as yet, a cast of unknown musicians submitting instrumental tracks that he can turn into songs.

Kevin Godley’s PledgeMusic campaign will have digital, CD and LP versions of the album available plus other merchandise and live experiences in the form of a workshop, video shoot visit and listening party/Q&A.

View the project here: www.pledgemusic.com/projects/kevin-godley-muscle-memory

Write and record with me:

Recently something happened that eclipsed any songwriting techniques I’d learned in 10cc or Godley & Creme. Out of the blue, I was sent 2 recorded instrumental tracks with requests to write melodies and lyrics and turn them into songs. Both tracks came from people I’d never met and still haven’t.

We communicated by email and all I did was load their tracks into Garageband and react to them vocally. Experiencing this kind of remote collaboration and its results has been transformational for me, as I believe I’ve recorded 2 of my best ever songs and “MUSCLE MEMORY,” as I’m calling the album, will be about opening this collaborative door a lot wider.

It’s my first time out fronting a record so it’s exciting and daunting in equal measure but it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time and with your help I intend to make it count. The idea is to work on 10 new tracks that inspire me and share the copyright 50/50 with each writer or co-writers. It’s that simple.

Please send me your music:

That’s any genre, any tempo, any mood, but please don’t send me anything too predictable! I thrive on unusual structures and sounds. Tracks must be original, instrumental recordings, ideally lasting between 3 and 5 mins and should be uploaded as stereo mixes to: musclememorysubmissions@gmail. com

Just to be really clear…submissions are open to anyone. That’s new and emerging acts through to established musicians. I’ve already had interest from a few significant artists but my selection process will be totally democratic so I won’t be revealing any names until I’ve listened to everyone and everything and begun to select my 10 collaborators. 

The timeline of the release will depend on the submissions, but I plan to have the album released in the first half of 2018 and will be posting regular updates along the way to keep you informed of its progress.

Around the album’s release I’ll be opening the door for both creatives and fans to be a part of the album recording process, with live events taking place which you can Pledge to be a part of.

Thanks for reading!

Kevin Godley

Terms & Conditions for submissions:
– Each submission must be an original recording made by the submitter in a stereo WAV format and ideally be around 3-5 minutes long.
– All submissions must consist of 100% original content, composed by the submitter. No covers or samples are to be included.
– The submitter must have retained and own all rights associated with the composition and must have sole rights to the material submitted.
– Audio stems must be available.
– The submission must not have previously been published or included in any other published work.
– The submitter agrees that any submitted work may form the basis of a joint collaboration with KG.
– KG does not guarantee working with any particular party with regards to their submission, but in the instances that he does, the revised/reworked “Collaboration Composition” (CC) will become the joint property of both KG and the submitter.
– All publishing copyrights to Collaboration Content will be owned 50:50 between KG and the owner/submitter of the original material.
– Any publishing income derived from the publishing of or any use of the Collaboration Content, will be split 50:50 be-tween the parties.
– The submitter agrees to allow any and all collaborative compositions to be used by KG for the purpose of creating an audio track and/or album.
– The level of collaborative interaction between KG and collaborators will be down to KG’s discretion.
– All submissions must be made via WeTransfer.com to the email address musclememorysubmissions@gmail. com with your name and contact details in the message. Please do not approach KG directly.

Live Experiences:
Workshop: Join Kevin Godley part way through recording the album and add your own voices and sounds to some of the tracks. He will record you, demo his studio techniques and talk guests through the record’s progress. The evening will conclude with an informal Q&A session.

Video Shoot Visit: Visit the set or location during the shooting of a video for a key album track and maybe get the opportunity to appear on-camera as an extra.

Album Playback and Q&A: Attend an exclusive Album Playback with Kevin Godley to hear the finished record before anyone else and take part in an informal Q&A session about the recording of the new album. Date and location TBC.

Album Formats:
– Download
– CD
– LP (180g vinyl)
– CD plus name in album credits
– LP plus name in album credits

– T-shirt
– Signed print
– Handwritten and Signed lyric sheet

Source: www.pledgemusic.com/projects/kevin-godley-muscle-memory