October 6, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

WAYNE OLIVIERI – The New Jersey Rock Veteran

1. Hello Wayne, welcome to our magazine. Can you please introduce yourself to the public?

Hi I’m Wayne Olivieri from Plainfield NJ where I was born and raised… I am a singer songwriter with a new debut LP out “Eclectic Mind”

2. I read your bio and you mention your friendship with Jon Bon Jovi, how important was this meeting for you?

My relasonship with Jon Bon Jovi lasted from 1982 to 1999…….It was a life changing experience being with him before he had a record deal and through becoming rich and famous…what I did learn is that …the old cliche “Its who ya know ” can help you can also be…”Who ya know can be jealous of your talent and keep you from getting where they are.'”

Pic: Wayne and Bon Jovi

3. Can you give us a description of your album “Eclectic Mind”?

Over the years I have had the opportunity to meet. sing and write with some extremely talented people.  Some were and still are world famous…some not so famous…but one of my observances in life, especially in the entertainment industry is that just because your extremely talented doesn’t necessarily mean you will be famous and successful……on the other hand just because your successful and famous doesn’t necessarily mean your all that talented.  ( Im not sure that has to do with anything but I said it anyway) ….. Eclectic Mind is a collection of songs that reflects many of my experiences I’ve had and thoughts that I’ve pondered over the years…about half the album was written by me alone and the other half with a few close friends and fellow muisicmen.    There’s songs about love…work…God….Hard times…Good times and even one to my Mother……Im very proud of this album and the people who helped make it a reality.   Ive been writing songs and singing since the 7th grade and have accumulated hundreds of   cowritten tunes with various people.  I am mostly a Melody/Lyric guy but for the first time in a long time I sat at my baby grand and finished a bunch of songs…. music AND lyrics …took them to my longtime friend, engineer and producer Dan Caruso’s studio and with the help of some more extremely talented players like Gar Francis(guitars &production) finished them.

I originally was going to release a EP with 6 songs but then I thought of all the studio recordings I had cowrote that never were released into the universe and thought…why not……so I went back to my music room and picked out some of my favorites and re mastered them and put them on the record.

I hope at least one song can make you feel good (or sad…that’s OK too) but for a Musicman (or Woman) we just want to help you enjoy a few minutes away from the crush of life with the sounds we create .

4. Do you feel a “Musicman”like the lyrics of your song?

Musicman IS my story…and many others before me and many others after me

5. What is the message of this album to yourself and your listeners?

I answered that question in answer #3

6. Do you have any plans for a tour?

Yes….Ive been told by my management a fall tour of 26 cities is in the making

7. How do you deal with the music industry of 2017?

The music industry today is an “Anything goes” fight to the finish….mostly the one with the most promotion money wins…but I still believe in the power of the song….”I’m A Music Man” my single off my Lp is currently number 47 on the FMQB Top40/AC Top 200 National Comercial radio chart….with over 147 radio stations spinning it including WPLJ New York City arguably the most powerful radio station in the Country almost imposible to get on even light rotation!!! But I did it with under a $3000 radio promotion budget. It can be done but it all goes back to a good song

8. How easy or hard is be a full time musician these days?

To be a fulltime musician you either have to live with your parents. be independently wealthy or play in a Wedding band. Very rare animal.

9. What are your plans for the future?

My plans are to follow up this LP as best as I can….with tour and or more videos/social media support and never give up on the dream cause your Never To Old to Rock and Roll!!!


Info: http://www.wayneosongs.com/