October 6, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

URIAH HEEP – Into The Wild Times Of Rock N Roll

Interview with Phil Lanzon

1. What is your secret after all these years and “can’t keep the good band down”? How do you manage to keep the
band alive throughout the years?

 I know, it is strange to think about this, but simply, it is the music that keeps us and the world alive. Without it we would probably all be helpless!

 2. How different is the situation in the music industry today?

 Very different.

 3. Are you familiar with the technology and social networking as music promotion tools?

 This is the reason why it’s different: Technology and social networking has nearly replaced cd sales worldwide. This means that artists earnings have diminished and are now obliged to do more live appearances than in the past. This is great for our audiences but not so great for sales.

 4. How would you describe the situation in the UK for classic rock bands?

 Bad. Incredibly bad!

 5. Which are the best markets for Uriah Heep worldwide?

 Europe. (excluding UK). Russian territories

 6. You have a new album with producer Mike Paxman who has worked with Asia and Status Quo, how was the cooperation with him?

 Very good. It is a successfull relationship because of his enthusiasm and arranging abilities and he’s easy to work with. More importantly; he keeps the studio clean! (sorry Mike)

 7. Can you describe us your new album in terms of lyrics and music?

 The music is good solid ‘Rock,’ with strong choruses and the majority of the lyrics are positive and very ‘up.’


8. Do you have any plans for a promo video?

 Yes, we are talking about this now.

 9. How did you decide to sign with Frontiers Records?

 They seem to have a good track record and are keen to be involved in every step of the process of making the cd and its presentation; artwork/design etc.

 10. You have a heavy schedule for touring regarding the promotion of the new album, how do you deal with that?

 We go out and we disappear into the road and some time later (weeks/months) we arrive home in a box………

11. Do you use a tour bus and how is life on the road?

 We use tour buses and I do a lot of story writing on the road to stop me from going insane, but I still go insane!!!

 12. What should we expect from your live shows in Greece?

 A classy rock show.

 13. Any surprise or special guest here?

 Not that I know of.

 14. What is the feedback from the Greek audience all these years?

 We always look forward to coming to Greece because the Greek audiences sing the ‘loudest’ I ever heard, and that’s pretty kool!

 15. Any tip for the playlist? which time period of the band are you going to cover?

 Some Wake the Sleeper, and many classic Heep songs from most periods.

See you very soon.