October 6, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000


Interview with Klaus Wagner

1. Please introduce us the organization, its history and mission.


Initiator of ROW-festival was Ralf Schulz. (┼2014) He spent his holidays in Thailand in 2004 when he survived the tragic tsunami disaster in south eastern asia. After returning to Germany unharmed he initiated the first ROW to collect donations for the victims of this cathastrophe. 2005  the first „Rock for one World” festival took place. Though planning time was very short, Ralf Schulz succeeded in converting some well known bands with help from some friends and chummy musicians. The complete income adding up to 5300,00 € was donated to terre des hommes for rebuilding traditional fishers villages at the Adamancoast, Thailand. The financial success and the positive feedback of musicians and fans caused the decision to repeat the festival. In contrast to other charity events the break even is achieved in the run up to the festival. Tickets, GEMA-charge, technical equipment, flyers, posters, placardcharge and the musicians travel costs e.t.c. are completely financed by sponsors. The bands are performing without salary and don‘t even receive hidden cash benefit. The complete ROW-team is working without payment. So financial excess is already guaranteed before the event is taking place. The complete entrance fee is donated. (Not only the remaining income as usually practiced). Cultural center Komma and musicinitiative EMI from Esslingen are two partners who assumed the costs for the location and partly the catering.  Our sponsors can also be found on our website, and also partly on the posters and flyers. Some sponsors sympathise to us and prefer to support us without mentioning and commercial effect. If you would also like to support the Rock For One World charity festival please appeal to Klaus Wagner or Edgar Blum.  Though the event is – compared to other festivals – relatively small, up to this point we were able to donate amounts wich are hardly reached by much bigger and elabourate events. And we are really proud of this circumstance.

2. What is the scope of your activities and how do you intend to achieve your goals?

We try to reach bands at concerts or bands who played with us to convince other bands that they play with us. So much to the music. Furthermore, we are always looking for sponsors because we need an average of 4000, – € to keep the festival alive. And very important ………… to never give up

3. Why did you choose to use hard rock and metal music as a medium to gather funds?

Again this idea is based on Ralf Schulz. He  was a Metaler of the first hour, played the drums himself, one like that does not make a disco event.

4. How do the bands react to the organization’s activities?

At first very hesitant, who likes to play for free. In the meantime, we have about 100 inquiries per year, whereby many no matter what genre want to appear with us. Since the beginning, we and our audience have turned to the old school metal and hard Rock`n`Roll, which we will remain faithful to. Of course it is not easy to convince one of the big ones. But I remain on saying … never give up.

5. What is the current line up of your festival and how can someone from abroad reach the festival area?

Nighttrain, Hammerschmitt, The New Roses and as Headliner Sinner. The Komma is located very central in the city of Esslingen, about 15 minutes by car or train from Stuttgart, about 25 minutes from Stuttgart Airport by either bus or car. And from Esslingen train station its about a 10 minute walk to the location.

6. How easy or hard is to gather funds for the production of the festival?

It is very difficult to convince someone to donate, most do not even reply or tell you they already donate to some cause and they do not have money for this. It is much easier if you know the people.

7. Do you have any plans of making the festival a bigger event by bringing bands from abroad?

We are often asked to make it a bigger event. There are so many factors that play into this. Do we get the other location for free? May we sell drinks ourselves? Can we cook ourselves there? Do we have more than 400 people attending? How will they get there?… With us its like a family business, a class reunion of sorts, most people know each other or get to know each other. Of course we would like to get the big bands, but 5 to 6 flights from the States cost real big money, which would be pretty tight for us. However we are already looking into the tour dates of our favorites to see if they happen to be in Germany at that time. We want to grab them with ambition and say: come on, you have also started small at one time and create that “back to the roots” kind of feeling.

8. What is the list of the daily activities for a concert promoter until the festival day comes?

After the ROW is before the ROW. The first is to take stock of the money and donate the funds to the donors and to involve the press. Then it’s time again to schedule the date, to propose and contact bands, go to festivals, look for Sponsors. Once the lineup is ready, the small but still ímportant things get done; contracts, costs, posters, web page, advance sale, catering, who mixes, who helps etc.

9. How do you approach the festival production from a business perspective?

You can only spend as much as you have.

10. What are your expectations of the festival?

We expect it to be peaceful (which it has always been so far). That people and bands have their fun (also has been the case at all times) and the most important thing that the technology part is working.

11. What is your message for the festival attenders?

Come all and have fun, come hungry and thirsty, listen to some great music, and with this help those who are less fortunate.

Info: https://www.rock-one-world.de/